2016/7/21 15:44:21
While boating is relatively safe, much safer than driving a car, there are still enough boating accidents to raise some alarm signals as to why boating accidents occur. In an effort to eliminate or reduce the number of boating accidents that occur in the water each year, specialists have done some investigating and have found that most boating accidents are preventable if boaters follow a few simple boating safety rules.
The most common boating accident reported is the man overboard accident. This type of accident represents more than 40 percent of all boating fatalities and is the most preventable.
By simply not moving around while the boat is moving or reducing speed and keeping a firm hold with at least one hand if you absolutely have to move around, you can make sure that you stay in the boat.
Wearing a life vest also increases your chances of survival considerably if you find yourself outside of the boat. It is reported that 53 percent of all boating fatalities are a result of drowning. Did you know that by simply wearing a life vest you could reduce the odds of drowning by 95 percent?
Undergoing a boating safety course is also a great way to ensure that you remain safe on the water. The lack of any formal training sets you up to be almost three times as likely to be in an accident as boaters who have had formal instruction.
Alcohol is also a great risk factor for boating accidents. The American Red Cross has estimated that two-thirds of boating injury victims was under the influence of alcohol. In fact, nearly 35 percent of all boating accidents are directly linked to alcohol.
In order to make sure that you next boating experience is a safe one, follow the following boating safety tips issued by the College of Emergency Physicians:
Tell someone when you're going, who is with you and how long you will be away. Then check you r boat, equipment, boat balance, engine and fuel supply before leaving.
Before starting your engine, open hatches, run blower, and most importantly, carefully sniff for gasoline fumes in the fuel and engine areas.
When changing seats, stay low and near center line of a small boat.
Always carry life jackets and first aid equipment. Watch the weather. Sudden wind shifts, light flashes and choppy water can mean a storm is brewing.
If you will be fishing, keep fishing and hunting gear clean and well packed.
Never drink alcoholic beverages on a boat.
Boating is one of the favorite American summer pastimes. Do your part to make is a safe and joyful one by following boating safety procedures.
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