Use Magnetic Field Therapy To Increase Your Wellness
2016/7/21 15:43:46
Holistic methods of treating ailments and disease have been around since the beginning of medicine itself. However, as people start to realize that maybe prescription drugs are not the end all, be all, miracle drugs, that we have been raised to believe, many people are turning their focus back to natural, holistic treatments. Holistic medicine is a natural, alternative type of medicine that is based on the theory that any ailment needs to be treated not only physically, but spiritually and mentally as well. This type of treatment works to treat the root causes of illnesses, not necessarily the symptoms of illnesses. And one method of treatment that has found great popularity in recent years is Magnetic Field Therapy.
Magnetic Field Therapy may sound like something out of science fiction, but it's actually been around for thousands of years. It was even said to have been used by Cleopatra, who wore magnetic bracelets, as well as necklaces, which were said to have miraculous healing powers. Western doctors started treating patients using Magnetic Field Therapy in the early 1800's with varied success. This treatment was almost totally forgotten, until it saw a recent boom in the early 1990's. Since then this method of therapy has flourished into a new, over 100 million dollar industry. This method of treatment has seen a huge gain in popularity all over the world, including China, France, Japan, India, and the United States. But what is Magnetic Field Therapy?
Magnetic therapy is thought to work by manipulating energy streams that naturally run through the body, helping to align these energy streams with electromagnetic fields found in the body. Magnetic field therapy involves the usage of electromagnetic materials, such as magnets or magnetic bracelets, to treat illnesses, and to restore proper health and balance to the body. Because the human body, as well as the earth, naturally produces electromagnetic energy, practitioners believe that the proper balance of these two fields can lead to total body wellness. People who have undergone magnetic therapy have noticed improvement in various conditions such as arthritis, migraine headaches, depression, strained muscles and ligaments, and pain relief.
Magnetic field therapy is 100 % safe, and a natural, alternative method of treatment for various, common illnesses. Magnetic therapy works to restore imbalances in the body, caused by stress, emotional issues, or injury. Magnetic therapy gives your body a chance to heal itself, much in the same way acupuncture is used, just without the needles. If you're experiencing chronic pain, or chronic symptoms of health problems, that won't seem to go away, you might want to give magnetic field therapy a try. You should consult your local Ontario wellness physician before beginning any new treatment.
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