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Early Summer Walleye Fishing

2016/7/21 11:36:49

I feel that one of the most over looked and under fished resources that we have in our area is the walleye fishing at Carr creek lake. A lot of fisherman are not aware of the numbers and of the nice size walleye in this lake. And only a hand full of anglers regularly fish for these fish. I have always said that the walleye fishing on Carr creek was the best kept secret on this lake.

I have done some walleye fishing over the past few years on Carr creek with some nice fish caught. One over 4 pounds and my best one was over 5 pounds. This lake over the past few years has produced walleye over 8 pounds that I know of. I don't care where you fish for walleye that is a good size fish. I really believe that in the next few years that some one hopefully me will catch a walleye out of carr creek lake over 10 pounds. I was fishing a bass tournament on Carr creak a couple of years ago and we were going down the bank toward the beach and we saw something floating in the water and when we got close up we saw it was a huge walleye that had been hit by a boat motor prop. This was one of the biggest walleye I had ever seen. I would say that it would go at least 8 pounds or better.

I was told by some of the fishery biologist that keep track of the walleye on Carr creek that the walleye in this lake grow faster than in most Ky lakes. This is because of a huge bait fish base in the lake, and the high quality of the water, rich in protein and good oxygen levels. Other area lakes like Laural river lake, paintsville lake and lake Cumberland all have walleye also. But all these lakes have something that the walleye need that Carr creek lake does not have. And this is a major river for the walleye to go up stream in the spring to spawn. So because of this the walleye at Carr creek must be stocked at times. But the walleye in Carr creek will still out grow the ones in these other lakes.

The Ky fish and game rates the fishing on different lakes during the year for several fish. They rated Carr creek good to excellent in the spring months for walleye. Walleye will come up shallow in the early spring and at night and during over cast and cloudy days. When they are shallow it is hard to beat a rattling crank bait fished fast close to the bank where the river channel hugs in close to the bank. During the day walleye will move to deeper flats and drop offs and hold on river and creek channel edges. These fish like bright colored baits like green chartreuse, yellow and white. Work big jig heads with live bait like minnows, night crawlers or leaches. in these areas or deep diving crank baits. Night fishing can be very rewarding.

I am really going to try to catch a monster walleye this year. Hope to see you on the water.
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