Tips for Night Fishing
2016/7/21 11:36:30
During the hot humid summer weather, a lot of fisherman can not get out during the heat of the day and fish. And really most of the fish are not that active during the hot part of the day anyway. When the shallow water reaches high temp levels the oxygen levels get low and a fish in this type of water will become stressed and will become inactive. This is why you will do better during the summer fishing deeper water and deeper cover during the daytime. But there is one thing you can do to beat the daytime heat and that is to fish at night. Night time fishing has long been a favorite way to fish for many fish and by many anglers for a long time. This is most definitely one of my favorite ways to fish.
There are several reasons anglers prefer to night fish in the summer than during the day. The most obvious is that it is cooler. And there is much less boat traffic and swimmers and jet skiers. All these type of things will make the fish move into deeper water. And most of the fish are more night feeders any way. So this makes night fishing a great way to fish. Everything is just more layed back and easier going when you night fish. My idea way to night fish is put your boat in the water just before sun down and look for a couple good areas to fish. And then decide on a spot to fish. If you were crappie fishing, this would be the way to go. You could get settled in and put out a few lines. Then pour yourself a cup of coffee or drink a pop and just sit back and relax. This is what night fishing is all about to me. Most fish are more active at night like the large mouth bass, walleye, catfish and the crappie.
Bass fishing at night can be very rewarding at times. During the night when the water and air temps drop some the fish will move more shallow to feed. Most will hold on cover or Cruise a deeper bank line looking for food. Baits that work well when the bass are up in shallower water include top water baits and buzz baits, Cast these top water baits to shallow water or down a bank and work them back with a series of twitches and pause type retrieve.
Or if you are fishing a buzz bait, cast to the same type areas and retrieve the bait just fast enough to keep the blades turning. Try to make the bait bump or come over any type of cover. This can cause explosive strikes. Other good night time baits include plastic worms. spider jigs. hair and rubber skirted jigs and some crank baits and spinner baits. During the night the bass will not hunt by sight but more by sound and vibration given off by other fish and prey. So try to make your bait sound or act like this to draw the bass to your bait.
The next time you want to go fishing but can't take the heat. Give night fishing a try it might become your favorite way to fish too
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