2016/7/18 16:40:59
If you are looking for Bass Fishing gear online, you’re in luck! The internet has made a wonderful impact on shopping for all sorts of comodities. In my opinion, it is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century. Goods that were formally in limited supply in certain areas are now freely available everywhere.
Fishing equipment is no exception. First -Rate Equipment, Customer Service and advice is now available to everyone on a level not seen for several generations. It brings back the good old days of walking into a shop like Ambercrombie and Fitch, where an extemely knowledgable (expert) salesperson would personally guide you in the selection of the proper gear for your desires, and not just try to sell you what is one the shelves to get rid of it (and you). The internet has allowed buisiness to keep a low overhead, keeping the prices down. While there are many good online retailers of sporting goods, a few really stand out.
In 1961, Dick Cabela ran an ad in a few outdoor magazine classifieds to sell a few flies he bought from a furniture store. He received many requests, so he began to market flies, and other outdoor gear by direct mail. Dick and his wife Mary ran the business from their kitchen in Chappell, Nebraska. The business grew, and by 1969, they were occupying a 50,000+ sq, foot building in Sidney, Nebraska. By 1998, they had moved toa 120,000 sq. foot building with office space for more than 500 employees, and even this was not big enough. In 2002, the Cabelas World Headquarters was completed, with over 250,000 square feet and thousands of employees. The backbone was, and still is, their catalog sales. Every year, over 120 million catalogs are mailed out to over 120 countries. Cabelas also operates several retail outlets across the country, that are as much wildlife museums and education centers as they are stores. In 1982, Cabelas Adventures was born, and has become the #1 Outdoor Consulting Agency, with refferals to some of the best guides in the world, top outfitters and dream hunting and fishing vacation packages.
In 1992, their Online Department went live, now with a website that has their entire catalog output, hunting and fishing news, guides, advice and 24/7 customer support.Cabelas now even has their own TV Show! Cabelas continues to hold to the belief that the Customer is #1. They continue to offer top quality equipment, clothing and advice at the most reasonble price possible.
In the late 1960s, John L. Morris began selling bait from the back of a Brown Derby Liquor Store owned by his dad, in Springfield Mo. His business became so successful that by 1972, he had incorporated it as Bass Pro Shops. The business continued to grow and in 1974, the first Bass Pro hops catalogs were mailed out. The business flourished and soon became one of the largest mail order sporting goods retailers, rivaling even Cabelas. Mr. Morris continued to expand the product line and services .
Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best bass fishing information possible. Get more information on online bass fishing supplies here: http://www.askbassfishing.com/
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