2016/7/18 10:29:34
When you buy a Sage fly fishing rod you can be sure of getting a couple of real advantages. First and foremost, such rods help ensure that you can turn over as well as cast accurately - even with bulky as well as wind resistant flies and do so without feeling tired or frustrated. And, secondly you get to fight fish more effectively, quickly as well as with authority and power. The Smallmouth Bass Sage fly fishing rods are the ultimate when it concerns landing bass.
The Sage Smallmouth Bass rods are the ultimate as far as bass fly fishing rods go. This particular Sage fly fishing rod is very, very powerful and at the same time exceedingly light and it is only seven feet eleven inches that ensure that it adheres to Bass tournament length specifications. If it is turning over big sized flies and catching the biggest fish in the water that you wish to do then this Sage fly fishing rod is the one to use.
The term Smallmouth is a bit of a misnomer because this Sage fly fishing rod is very powerful and will easily handle White Bass, Smallie and largemouth as well as a variety of other saltwater fish species. The best thing about using this Sage fly fishing rod is that casting with it is virtually effortless and when it concerns fighting a Bronzeback you will find that the Sage fly fishing rod puts the other competing models into the shade.
This particular Sage fly fishing rod comes with a line that weighs two hundred and ninety grams and the size of the rod (as mentioned) is seven feet eleven inches. Its rod weight is three and a half ounces and the handle is made from Portuguese cork and the reel seat is matte black aluminum big game that comes with double locking retainer. Best of all, this Sage fly fishing rod is exceedingly fast and very, very stiff as well.
Even though you might be put off by glossy ads extolling the virtues of the Sage fly fishing rod you can, once you try out one of these outstanding fishing rods, confirm that the rods perform exceedingly well and are worth every penny paid for them.
When it concerns buying a discount fly fishing rod you should realize at the very outset that manufacturers do not create discount rods. They only sell their rods to retailers who have the option of selling their rods at retail prices or at discounted rates.
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