2016/7/18 10:29:33
There are often times when an angler will need to use different fly fishing line weights and for the same rod. For example, in case you are fishing in tumbling and swift mountain brook you may need to use short leaders with dry flies. However, this kind of outfit might not work as well if you were to fish for trout in a spring that is very calm or in a lake that is rather quiet. Of course, most anglers already know when to use a short leader and when to use a longer leader; though, many still do not. So, it makes sense to be well informed in this regard.
Fish can easily be spooked when the line falls too close to them and this is why using a longer leader can prove to be more effective in making the cast. When you cast at a greater distance from where you think the fish are swimming there is less chance that the fish will be warned of the cast and so your chances of landing a catch will improve. However, a longer leader makes the casting difficult and it also leads to inaccuracies. The solution to such a problem lies in using the correct fly fishing line weight. So, if you are angling for trout then your best option is to use a fly fishing line weight that is less than what you would use in dry fly fishing.
This means if you are using a seven weight rod then the correct fly fishing line weight would be six and if the fishing conditions are especially delicate you can even go with a fly fishing line weight of five. Every fly rod casts a particular fly fishing line weight and at the right line speed.
Dropping the fly fishing line weight down can provide you with two advantages: the line will make a softer splash and there is also less line speed on account of a lower weight. It is in fact well known that heavier lines will travel faster and will make a bigger impact on the water which can spook the fish. This is something that you wish to avoid.
However, under certain circumstances it becomes necessary to use a heavier fly fishing line weight, especially when fishing in small streams and when you are fishing for trout. In fact, a heavier fly fishing line weight is also ideal when casting distances are small and when fishing in small pools of water. So, for a brook trout stream you will do well to use a heavier fly fishing line weight and not a light weight. This means that you must first identify the kind of fishing conditions you expect to encounter and then you should choose the line weight that best matches the fishing conditions.
The good news for those people that are trying to learn more about fly fishing line knots is that tying these knots is a fairly straightforward task. The only trouble is learning about all the available knots that you should learn to tie.
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