2016/7/18 10:25:08
You want to make homemade baits as successful as the most popular brands of boilies right! I spent 5 years full-time researching this whole subject and I have to bring to your attention many mistakes far too many anglers are making! Ensure that your own homemade and readymade baits are genuinely irresistible! If you never read another article on bait read this one! Find out how to make top professional carp baits right now!
Over the past 35 years I have read articles on bait and bait making but the most potent information I have found in very many ways has come from my own research and real-life bait testing, and conversations with aquaculture feed designers and some of the leading fishing company bosses some of whom I knew back before commercial baits came along. Like I said I want to point out some mistakes even seasoned experienced anglers do in regards to making homemade baits and even in regard to how they treat readymade baits to attempt to maximise their performance so they catch more fish.
Rule number one is to be different; and bypass pre-conditioned negative behaviours towards your baits to make them massively easier to catch! It is so simple to be different; just throw out the rule book OK! There is absolutely no point making bait that is similar to baits fish have been hooked on and have become expert at avoiding the majority of the time for decades and decades!
The entire concept of conventional standard popular round or barrel shaped boilies as the ultimate bait is hilarious to me as this format lost its edge years ago now and carp know they are potentially dangerous. For this reason they simply do not feed on such baits as naturally and confidently as they would on many other bait formats. All you do is chuck out the bait rollers and produce baits so they are odd random shapes or simply uniformly square! This basically turns boilies into new food items that fish will far more readily monopolise with much more confidence in general. The dynamics of such baits movements in water make them ideal compared to rounded baits too and make carp easier to hook in many ways.
Ok so bait shape is a very basic characteristic of boilies and pellets. But what about nutritional attraction, colours and flavours you might ask? Well again most anglers get the wrong idea about most of these things. All any of these things are doing is basically stimulating various different systems in fish that they use to detect literally anything in their environment; be it a potential food opportunity or a potential threat. These days bear in mind that recognisable food opportunities also represent very serious potential threats to many fish!
You might even say that the vast majority of fish in many carp lakes are all wise fish and will regard familiar bait formats and substances with fear and caution. This is partly why I certainly do not recommend using readymade baits if you want exceptional catch results because fish will inevitably have experience the shape and hardness and whole format of such baits repeatedly over the years and will recognise key characteristics that trigger defensive feeding behaviours; thus making them far harder to catch!
When you make your own unique homemade baits you can literally alter every single potentially dangerous reference point carp have become conditioned to be fearful!
Now I am going to make a point that commercial bait makers universally will not like. The fact is that the vast majority of commercial baits catch fish in spite of themselves; in spite of the characteristics of their own format! One big reason that many of the popular commercial baits appear to catch lots of fish is that thousands of anglers are using them. In fact if thousands of anglers used bird dropping or worms or consistently altered and adapted dog biscuits then these would appear to be the most successful baits!
One of the most powerful advantages you have over the fish and competing anglers using readymade baits is you can change every conceivable active property and characteristic of your own unique secret baits. You can make them incredibly different; so different that other anglers would really wonder what on earth you are using because your baits will not resemble any form of bait they have ever seen before! I know this because I have this kind of reaction from other anglers on the bank.
Fish are far easier to hook when they feel safe. When you fish using bait primarily designed for this one purpose then you are going to be a winner. If you design baits to make them like what has been done before chances are you are just conforming to a standard which carp will be very likely to find far easier to avoid due to years of practice with similar baits!
I speak to many dozens of commercial bait bosses regularly and I very much appreciate many things about the position they are in. Bait is not just about getting bites. It certainly is not merely about nutritional data sheets of additives and ingredients and creating nutritionally-stimulating baits! Commercial baits are about money! They are ultimately about the profit! The bottom line is these baits are being produced for only one reason; to make money. In order for this to happen, they have to appeal first to buying anglers but the massive majority of anglers do not have a clue why or how the most potently irresistible substances work in regards to fish or interactions in water and they do not even care either!
Commercial baits are a compromise because you could come up with the ultimate boilie in the world and yet because it does not fit the preconditioned mindset of expectations the masses of anglers have about baits then they will not sell in the volumes that you would expect such a potentially incredible bait to sell in. Very many times over the years particularly dedicated more advanced knowledge-type of guys running certain bait companies have attempted to introduce new and alternative bait concepts to the market and yet more often than not such ventures have not been gigantic successes!
But they really should have been if you measured the potential power of the bait concepts such guys have brought out! I can tell you now that things go in cycles in regards to human nature. Human nature is one of the most potent driving forces in carp fishing and it is so ironic that the majority of carp anglers are men under thirty who predominantly display extremely strong herding instincts. They basically want to fit in with the herd, yet to catch carp most successfully you really want to do exactly the opposite of the herd! But the commercial companies exploit human nature feed this herding instinct with precise precision and accuracy!
These days the average angler (no matter who he is,) is more concerned with which brand or company of bait he is using than with how these baits work in regards to fish physiology, sensitivities, senses, and their interactions in water in solution; which is very basically how they actually work! The average angler on the bank has completely been brainwashed and dumbed-down into thinking that getting to know the vast advantages of knowing how fish operate internally and externally is not required.
But I tell you this fact; if you know such things then you will confidently be able to compete with the best anglers on your lake or in the world. You will not only be able to circumnavigate most forms of conditioned fish caution in regards to your baits so they feed far more confidently on your bait, and you will be able to create uniquely advantageous feeding opportunities that will catch you loads more fish.
How such baits will interact with water and ultimately be detected by fish so that body chemistry is altered thus producing favourable changed in fish behaviours that promote investigation of baits and raising the likelihood free baits being repeatedly consumed or of hook baits even being mouthed is vitally important information that 95 percent of angler I ever met are ignorant of. Yet knowing this can make 95 percent of your fishing success come far easier than normal!
For instance, the more you know about fish the more you can correctly interpret the reasons and factors involved in the way they behave so you can precisely fish for them in very much more suitable ways than normal!. But you will see you can not just fish better but apply any forms of baits including readymade baits, massively more effectively compared to most anglers! To do this can be very simple and easy or as complex as anything but for example I can tell you that if you think that soaking a round or barrel-shaped boilie in a nutritionally-stimulating enhancing, protein-rich flavoured complex, then doing this is merely a sticking plaster on a heated bait that is already massively under-maximised!
The fact that so many anglers are putting sticking plasters all over their baits in the form of paste is hilarious! But then why would most anglers realise how hilarious this situation is when they are being programmed in the magazines and by each others group mentalities and mindsets all the time to not bother thinking about why baits are not working to maximum efficiency. 95 percent of angler do not even realise their baits are not working to maximum efficiency anyway!
In regards to any baits or natural foods, if you think about it the point of bait is to make the connection between fish and your hook via the medium of water. This link can be unbelievably strong and potently powerful in actually changing fish behaviours by the concentration of bait substances constantly entering the water as the actual substances forming the baits become soluble. This concentration point is so fundamental to the maximisation of all your baits yet the average bait is heated so it does not become soluble very much at all and just sits there in the water intact; thus hugely defeating the whole thrust of its purpose!
I can make homemade baits that are soluble to at least 75 percent of their basic content so that much will become solution very quickly in the water. But the framework of the bait will remain intact for over 20 hours immersion; with no heating of the bait whatsoever. This means that 75 percent of this bait is actively working to pull and excite fish in favourable ways because it is in the water connecting to the fish and not inside the bait!
Fish follow dissolved substances back to their source by following their concentration gradient just like we humans follow the smells of curry or bread back to a restaurant or bakery. In fact this is one method deliberately exploited on purpose to pull in customers as often the smell-filled air from the cooking is directed towards passing punters in a focused stream and not just at random!
Although many anglers call their baits boilies because they have been boiled in water or steamed to make the proteins coagulate to form firmer baits. But in fact there is no reason why you should be heating baits as you really can produce resilient hard baits with not heating at all! It took me many decades to find this truth out for myself I can tell you! The only thing that held me back from discovering how to make such baits has been limiting beliefs that the massive majority of anglers I ever met seem to think.
So many anglers look at me as if I am mad when I suggest that very soluble soft but resilient long-lasting homemade baits are far more successful than firm heated or steamed readymade boilies. You do not need rounded baits and you do not need baits of any uniform size; all that is complete nonsensical illogical conditioning and I bet you will really need to ponder on this one for a little longer to break some long-held pre-conditioned perspectives and expectations and yes even prejudices about this!
But I am telling you this is the truth and you need not use heated baits ever again with all the effectiveness-reducing and under-maximisation of factors in baits that heating always produces.
I believe that every single angler deserves the truth to be able to achieve the kinds of catches he dreams of achieving. Be different to the crowd and be awake to what you see and read and hear because the only thing that really matters is between your two ears and understanding how to alter fish feeding modes and behaviours in your unique favour to always maintain at least one edge over your fish and other anglers!
I have read many books and articles on bait over the years but so many just do not get the crucial point over about what is centrally important! In bait design bait, what is most important is not ingredients or recipes or flavours, but primarily in understanding the fish because with this vital appreciation of the natural power of exploiting the fish and how they work actually against themselves to benefit you and even beneficially improve the heath and vitality and longevity and energy levels of fish you really have genuine power over them and even ensure they feed for longer more intensive periods repeatedly; and give you more chances of hooking them more easily! So by all this I do not merely mean improvements in watercraft and related fishing skills and bait application!
Get this; what really matters most is having actual in-depth knowledge and understanding of fish internally and externally, and how they relate to water and the whole aquatic environment. For instance how many anglers realise that lake water is not just like filtered tap water but is alive? It is packed with nutrients such as essential minerals that some of which carp can absorb directly through their skin.
Water and sediment in solution and suspension and silt contain beneficial bacteria that carp consume to maintain their digestive microflora that is part of the process for digesting your baits and maintaining their immune systems central to their survival. Much of what centrally matters most is how bait substances react with water or not in combination or individually as dissolved baits substances.
Some bait substances change very dramatically when added to water and are very impactful due to this. Some substances change little and are especially potent remaining in their original high intensities and potencies in concentration. But bait success is not just about essential nutritional elements or reactive components or exceptionally absorbable or adsorbable liquids or powders nor about particularly potent acids of many forms for instance used in combinations to make certain bait additives!
There are endless other vitally significant aspects that you can exploit in your baits all acting simultaneously, on and inside fish and on their environment too! These things include aspects you can exploit and introduce in your baits in regards to sound waves sensitivities, light spectrum sensitivities, and sensitivities to electrical fields and also hormones and many less well known substances.
Remember that many substances may have been used in secret for years but there are very many new substances that you can apply in your fishing baits that were simply not available to the general public from any source even just a few years ago, and by these I am certainly not referring to any substances that bait companies opening sell to the public to other suppliers; herbalists and Chinese medicine suppliers for instance.
I want you to now consider something pretty profound which I think about when I design my own homemade baits for maximum effect and success. We are literally what we eat and as humans we live in an air environment. Our bodies and our physiology; the way we work inside and the foods and nutritional elements etc that we can actually digest and assimilate are all a result of millions of years of evolution as a direct consequence of the availability and abundance of foods and other stimuli that we had over eons. Fish are the same and both humans and fish are constantly evolving minute by minute.
Even we are evolving as our DNA changes inside us all the sun even in response to sun radiation on our skin, or to natural oxidisation of food within us for energy in metabolism related chemical reactions. We cause DNA changes within ourselves as our bodies heal themselves without any conscious thought by our brains that we are aware of. We do not have to think to breathe right? You might think addictive baits are not possible but that is untrue.
Consider this fact for a moment; if we do not consume a minimal amount of nitrogen and essential amino acids we will die. We are totally dependant upon the input of external nutritional sources that we need to keep our bodies bio-chemically functioning right down to metabolising sugars in our blood we burn for life-giving breathes! So proteins and other vital substances for us and fish are literally addictive because we die without them.
Many so-called drugs simply mimic chemical reactions that promote hormone and amino acids and other factors in our and fishes brains that induce specific changes in bodily state to make our mood and behaviours alter in various ways. Some drugs directly or indirectly induce feel-good responses but did you know you can get such a high from eating crisps, or roast chicken, or a Mars bar or toast or from endless other seemingly innocuous food and drink items.
Now this might seem totally obvious but I will state too that when you are thirsty water is literally addictive substance OK! We can work on manipulating fish behaviours and modes and stages of behaviours in many endless specific or combined ways in baits and work on fish on very many levels at one to alter their mood and bodily states, functions and behaviours in our own unique favour!
So why just choose a readymade bait at random or perhaps because you happen to like the opinions some anglers have about it, or you like the flavour yourself or because it fits some kind of perception of what a bait should be at a price you are prepared to pay and hope for the best basically using blind faith? Get sophisticated; really sophisticated about fish internally and externally because this is easy for anyone to become with the right information which I am giving you!
Please do yourself a very massive favour and give this point some deep thought because it can save you an absolute fortune and years of wasted fishing time fishing with drastically under-optimised and under-maximised baits from which you would forever be expecting miracles to happen with!
But nutrition and other factors relating to ultimately what we are and what carp are carp is not all there is to it in regards to bait connected to how they act in water and in relation to fish sensory cells responses and resultant behavioural feeding and other responses etc.
We and carp are very simply balanced energy systems contained within a highly organised package of coherently self-intelligent cells!
Every cell has basic needs, just like in the example of a very simple aerobic (oxygen-breathing bacteria). If you deprive it of oxygen or give it acidic or salty conditions of the level or concentration it may die immediately or at least eventually because its bio-chemical processes simply cannot function because it is out of balance as a result of these conditions which it is not evolved to thrive in. You could deprive it of nutritional sources to starve it to un-balance it so it dies, or even over-load it with a specific hormone so literally starves itself to death by consuming its own stored nutritional elements and energy so it cannot replace these fast enough and again becomes a living system drastically out of balance; so it literally consumes itself to death!
Carp are just the same as bacteria and us humans too only in an aquatic environmental system of balance in which they must constantly maintain an inner balance in order to survive and this is vitally important to deeply appreciate the significance of in regards to your baits and their effectiveness!
Give fish preferable conditions in which they can thrive even more energy-efficiently and they will respond very favourably; we can do this by design and application of baits that are super-potent and introduced in a form that fish are naturally exceptionally sensitive to and aware of, but not fearful of! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.
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