Replacing Broken Sea Fishing Tackle ?DIY Style
2016/7/18 9:14:48
If your sea fishing tackle gets broken because of constant wearing and tearing, you can repair it by yourself. It is simple and easy, and it can save you some money.
Just like anything else, sea fishing tackle can be worn down when you use it constantly, no matter how well you take care of it. So, when the guides on your fishing rod get detached or the tip breaks off, your choice is either to replace whichever part is broken or to buy a new rod. However, brand new sea fishing tackle can be a bit costly these days, so if your rod is not completely damaged, you should just replace what parts are broken and have it repaired.
Replacing a detached rod guide or repairing a rod tip is simple enough to do on your own. Thus, if you want to save some money on repairing your fishing rod, just buy the materials that you need and do the repairing yourself.
How to Replace Rod Guides
To replace the rod guides on your sea fishing tackle, you would need to buy new rod guides from your local sporting shop. Make sure that the guides you get are the same size as the ones you would be replacing.
To get this done, you would need to remove all the old threads that had held the rod guides on your tackle. And then, attach the new guides by wrapping new rod thread around the foot of the guide and the rod itself. Afterwards, you dab upon it a healthy coating of epoxy glue. Even clear nail polish can work if you do not have epoxy glue available at home.
How to Replace Rod Tips
As it is with broken rod guides, it would be necessary for you to buy a new rod tip in order to replace the one that was broken off your sea fishing tackle. Again, you can get it from your local sporting shop; just be sure that your new rod tip will be able to fit the hole on your fishing rod.
Once you have your new rod tip, roughen its surface with sandpaper in order to make gluing it a lot easier. So you can be certain that your new tip will hold on your fishing rod, scrape away the old threads and old glue that held your old tip on your rod.
After you are done with working on the tip and the rod, get a stick of ferrule cement and melt it down. Swab the melted ferrule cement on both the tip and the rod and then glue the parts of your sea fishing tackle together. Be sure that these two parts are aligned correctly before the glue becomes dry.
If DIY Is Not Your Style
Replacing the broken parts of your sea fishing tackle is simple enough to do on your own. It is also a good way of saving a few dollars on the necessary repairs that you need to do to keep your fishing rod in good working order. However, if do-it-yourself is not your style, you can always take your sea fishing tackle to your local repair shop and shell out a few quid to get these repairs done.
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