How To Reduce Crappie Getaways Dont Miss These Crappie Fishing Tips!
2016/7/18 9:14:17
!p>You'd be shocked how many crappie get away from fisherman all over the country after the fish have been hooked. I'm willing to bet it happens to you at least a few times every time you go fishing (and some of these subtle bites you never even knew you had). Here are our surefire crappie fishing tips to limit your crappie "getaways"
TIP#1 Use a line that blends in with the water. The cleaner the water, the more you need to camouflage your line(use a color that matches the water).
TIP#2 Do not try to jerk your crappie into the boat once it is hooked! You would be surprised how many crappie fisherman make this mistake. This is one of the top crappie fishing tips you need to do so you don't loose crappies once they are hooked. Wait a few seconds before you set the hook, crappie like to swim with there prey in there mouth before they swallow it. After you set hook you need to tire the crappie out before you bring him the boat. Just remember to never pull real hard when you hook a crappie.
TIP#3 recommend using a net to bring them into the boat or shore. Why risk separating the fish and his lips while you pull them out of the water?
TIP#4 Use a rod with a lot of action. Set the drag so that you can give a little line before you rip the fish's mouth off. If all you get is are fish lips, you might have your drag set too tight. Just loosen it up.
TIP#5 Wear him out before you bring him in. Think of it as a "tug of war" match! You Gotta pull hard then let up.... a reel there..stop a second.. wear him out. You've got to find a balance on your drag settings. You want to set a little tension to tire out the crappie-but not to much so the line breaks. After he's worn out, you can put him in the net without to much resistance.
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