Bait Fish : Master the Crappies Food Source Details Here!
2016/7/18 9:12:57
!p>Selecting the right fishing rod and reel for bait fishing is very important. Depending on the type and size of fish you plan to target there are specific types of bait fishing rod and reels you should use. For example if you were bait fishing for large catfish you would want a slow action heavy duty rod with a heavy duty spin casting or open face spinning reel.
If you are looking to buy a new bait fishing rig you need to take a look at the following aspects of fishing rods that are available on the market today.
How To Select The Right Bait Fishing Rod:
Our article today is going to focus on some crappie live bait selections that are often over looked as crappie baits. Any combination of these crappie live baits can fill your crappie basket so read on for details. Most crappie fisherman never use these crappie baits because they probably never need too 80% of the time if they are fishing with crappie minnows such as fathead minnows. So why bother with these other types of live bait selections for crappies? Well there are times that crappies turn off of the standard crappie live bait selections and you need to try something different or go home empty handed. We will talk about two of the most common alternate crappie baits that work quite well.
It has been a long known fact that if you can master and match the crappie's natural food source of bait fish that they eat on a daily basis you can catch a ton of crappie. And this sounds like a simple process but truth be told it takes some time and patience and some research to be proficient at it. It's no secret that many of the great pro crappie anglers use live minnow rigs tipped with the bait fish choice for what ever location they are fishing. We are going to discuss some crappie catching tips on how to select the correct type and size of crappie fishing bait fish so the next time you are out on the water you can be more successful.
1. Using the right size and type crappie minnows as bait fish for black and white crappie.
As a rule of thumb use a smaller bait fish such as tuffies 1 inch in length to catch black crappie and larger bait fish such as 3 to 4 inch shiners to catch white crappie. The type of bait fish does matter if you want bigger fish. It is best to catch your own crappie minnows at the location you are fishing these fish have not been commercially raised and are already a part of whichever species of crappie you are fishing for so therefore the crappies see these bait fish as a natural food source when you use them as on of your live bait presentations. Also a tip that may be of use to you. use smaller crappie minnows when the water is colder say 55 degrees or below. When the water is cold crappie white or black tend to inhale the fish apposed to attacking it.
2.0 Keeping your bait fish alive is very important.
Make sure your live bait container for your bait fish has a good aerator. also if you are using larger bait fish for crappie fishing make sure you keep the container cool. One method I always use is to drop ice cubes into the water on a regular basis. Also make sure you are using the same water in your bait tank as the location you are fishing. No matter what you do you will have some fish kill, but you want to limit that as much as possible so your bait fish last throughout the day. Also don't mix your crappie bait fish in with your live well this is a big mistake keep them separate.
Well folks that concludes our article about crappie bait fish We sincerely hope you use our fishing information on your next fishing trip Good Luck!
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