2016/7/18 8:42:07
How do you save money on bait and actually have this catch you more big fish?! It might be a strange question but the answers are extremely powerful indeed! Most of the bait you pay for is wasted because it literally does not transfer into caught fish; so find out how to save a fortune!
Big catfish and carp fishermen use many baits as ground baits, including maize, sweetcorn, hemp, boilies, pellets, and commercially made ground baits etc,) and these can cost you a fortune through each year! The vast percentage of this is actually wasted due to it not transferring into fish caught. This means excessive amounts of money are wasted because obviously something is being missed in the thinking and angling approach being used by the average angler!
If you are consistently feeding your swim each time you fish and this does not consistently equate to better catches, then you are simply feeding the fish, going through the motions and expecting miracles to occur as doing the same thing repeatedly and keeping expecting results to be different is simply a definition of insanity!
This point does not just apply to angling-pressured carp, but catfish too, of that there is absolutely no doubt. So the point is, how to stop wasting money on feeding your fish with free baits when this does not consistently convert into increasingly better catches! The cost of simply spending time fishing often involves loss of earnings in time, or at the very least the increasing travelling costs, food and drink costs, fishing permit costs and all those renewed tackle item costs and so on!
Making your bait money equal more consistent catches in the short and long-term will certainly save you money in results terms per pound or dollar spent as less is actually wasted. Yes there are fisheries which are so easy a bare hook catches fish, but I’m referring here more to fishing hard syndicate waters, or the popular fishing pressured and over-crowded day-ticket waters where fish respond negatively to anglers baits and fishing pressure. How do you know what you are missing if all you do is measure your results compared to the average catches for a water, when the reality is that the average catches on a water may be very different indeed from what is truly possible for any individual angler?
It is the common habit of the average angler to put out free baits upon arrival at a fishery without too much thought about his or previous anglers impacts at any one moment in time, where fish may not actually feed confidently on baits that are fresh as they are associated with danger. The first few days and nights on many waters can just be largely a waste of time if fished conventionally. On harder waters it is most often the case that fish will shy away from fresh baits, preferring to feed on them when water has penetrated and leached them for a number of days and nights.
On very pressured fisheries, Mr average angler will bait-up upon arriving and perhaps fish for 48 hours, maybe blank, and then be followed into the swim by another angler who simply does the same things with the same thinking approaches, and gets the same poor catches as a result! This is a pattern that is prevalent on so many carp waters today and the conveyor-belt like manifestation of the straight-jacketed thinking the majority of average anglers seem satisfied with. Yes, occasionally the fortunate angler who happens to be in a previously such pre-baited swim with get good results and hence the appearance of so many so-called popular swims! But all this incessant baiting on many water in certain swims can backfire as fish respond to captures, and in such a case all the bait can go off and kill the swim (as Mr average carp angler arrives and baits up again , adding to the problem!)
When your fishing activities become habitual and a kind of automatic process, this often means you have by-passed your thinking processes and are not focussing upon the constantly changing challenges that changing variables and fish behaviours and impacts of other anglers seriously have, and your results will severely reflect this! After all, you might well act differently every day in order to fool predators just to see the next day and carp have this instinct to survive which they use all the time which means what we do or think that worked yesterday is not guaranteed to work today…
As one example, I was very fortunate to catch a very rare white coloured mirror carp (not a koi) of 38 pounds, which had not been caught in over 7 years, from one very heavily-fished UK carp fishery. I obviously did something right on this occasion if you think of the thousands of anglers and hours which did not produce this fish in all this time, and it was a very unusual bait and baiting application method (and frequency) that caught this great fish and others that followed.)
It took new bait attractors and rarely used feeding triggers in (new concentrations and combinations,) plus new baiting approaches, methods and applications to catch that very special fish which was followed by numbers of other good fish proving the effort of though even more worth-while. But there is something on every water to exploit that defeats the natural and angler-trained conditioning of fish responses and reactions to what you do in order to catch them. Being different even in one single way or combining new, adapted or new combinations of old ways etc can all achieve what just going through the motions cannot!
Your fully considering the short and long-term impacts of the competing baits and similar rigs and methods upon fish behaviours over time is essential, for consistent success, on so many pressured waters and even easy waters! With the application of a little thought, your catches on many waters can become far better and more consistent; and the advantages of doing your own unique thing always pay-off handsomely with correct fine-tuning. But this is without spending hundreds or thousands of pounds on popular baits that fish may already behave cautiously towards; hence such bait wastage!
To leverage the true power of your baits does take a little extra effort on your part but that effort is never wasted! But I hope this article makes you think a little more of further possibilities the next time you bait-up as usual! For far more information, advanced bait secrets and and bait edges see the unique bait secrets ebooks website Baitbigfish right now!
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