Powerful Carp Bait Secrets That Saves You Money And Catches Fish!
2016/7/16 16:42:12
Possibly the most overlooked secret to winning the fishing game comes from saving money on bait; but how, do you ask?! Many anglers miss-out on fantastic catches even though the baits they use are popular big fish catchers seen in the press and so on! But you can save yourself a fortune in wasted bait and improve your catches drastically!
Big catfish and carp fishermen use many baits as ground baits, including maize, sweetcorn, hemp, boilies, pellets, and commercially made ground baits etc,) and these can cost you a fortune through each year! The vast percentage of this is actually wasted due to it not transferring into fish caught. This means excessive amounts of money are wasted because obviously something is being missed in the thinking and angling approach being used by the average angler!
If you are consistently feeding your swim each time you fish and this does not consistently equate to better catches, then you are simply feeding the fish, going through the motions and expecting miracles to occur as doing the same thing repeatedly and keeping expecting results to be different is simply a definition of insanity!
This point does not just apply to angling-pressured carp, but catfish too, of that there is absolutely no doubt. So the point is, how to stop wasting money on feeding your fish with free baits when this does not consistently convert into increasingly better catches! The cost of simply spending time fishing often involves loss of earnings in time, or at the very least the increasing travelling costs, food and drink costs, fishing permit costs and all those renewed tackle item costs and so on!
So converting your bait money at the very least into better catches, is perhaps even more of an issue, especially in tough times. Of course every fishery is different and these days there are many waters that are over-stocked to the degree that it appears everyone catches fish successfully. But who is to know just how much better your individual catches can really be until you truly get innovative and prove it to yourself?
Many wary fish on pressured waters will not feed on fresh baits put out as free baits, and those that do may even feed in far more alert modes of behaviour in order to detect dangerous hook baits more easily. If you got hooked each time you ate something your confidence and behaviour in eating something you desire is obviously going to change because such food is potentially it is a threat to your survival, despite when baits being designed to promote fish's survival and you might wait 3 days or more before eating the leached-out baits! (It is a well-known fact that fish will feed far more confidently on bait that has been washed out as few anglers hook fish on such baits and so the associated danger of such baits is drastically reduced!)
Thinking about the bigger picture on a very pressured water, Mr average angler turns up, baits-up, fishes 48 hours and leaves fishless, and then most usually the next angler turns up in the swim and does the same things: with similar poor average results. This kind of pattern happens all year round on so many carp waters these days. Now and again, the angler who happens to time it lucky catches fish over all the old bait left by other anglers, but is mostly oblivious to this artificially built-up phenomenon. An anglers luck may be as bad as the old gone-off bait that fish have left uneaten; oblivious that the foul bait has killed-of the popular swim!
When carp fishing becomes an automatic function of relatively thoughtless actions, the results become mediocre and this is no surprise as so many anglers simply underestimate the sensitivity of carp to angling baits, tackle, and all the kinds of active and inactive presences of anglers they detect so easily; what worked previously is not guaranteed to work today! On pressured waters each day can find the fish acting differently as you might do in order to consistently stay one step ahead of a predator, (and sometimes this is one example of why man evolved being able to be self-aware, rationalise problems and think of solutions, but this is vastly under-used in fishing!)
For instance, it was very lucky of me to catch a carp of 38 pounds; an amazing very pale white mirror (not koi carp) from one very pressured UK water. In over 7 years it was seen but not caught, but it was the combination of new bait, rig, baiting method and frequency and other things combined that produced this fish, (that all those anglers did not do previously,) and this unique combination produced dozens more good fish following this capture.
It took new bait attractors and rarely used feeding triggers in (new concentrations and combinations,) plus new baiting approaches, methods and applications to catch that very special fish which was followed by numbers of other good fish proving the effort of though even more worth-while. But there is something on every water to exploit that defeats the natural and angler-trained conditioning of fish responses and reactions to what you do in order to catch them. Being different even in one single way or combining new, adapted or new combinations of old ways etc can all achieve what just going through the motions cannot!
By fully considering the implications of your fishing activities on fish, in terms of negative and positive impacts on their senses, in relation to the progressive conditioning by angling activities and baits and natural senses and behavioural sensitivities, you can unlock excellent results. The questions and answers may be common to all waters, but there will always be things unique in your fishing of any particular water that produces better results; being refined specifically for that exact moment in time on that water. By leveraging your more exacting angling solutions at any moment in time on a water, you can know for sure that your bait costs will be leveraged to far greater effect and this avoids so much of that bait wastage that simply going through the motions produces!
To leverage the true power of your baits does take a little extra effort on your part but that effort is never wasted! But I hope this article makes you think a little more of further possibilities the next time you bait-up, as usual... This bait secrets ebooks author has many more fishing secrets insights and bait edges available and just one could impact very significantly on your big fish catches!
By Tim Richardson.
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