7 Deadly Winter Bass Fishing Tips
2016/7/16 16:39:34
Fishing for bass in the winter time can be extremely lucrative, but it is more difficult than fishing in the summer months. Many novice fishermen find it almost impossible to fish for bass in the winter time.
The most experienced fishermen take advantage of this because there is less competition. Fishing is all about doing research before going on a fishing trip. Most people do not take the time to carefully plan out a fishing trip. These 7 deadly winter bass fishing tips will help you to be a successful fisherman even in the winter months.
Come Prepared
Many novice fishermen do not take the time to prepare for every fishing trip they set out on. Being prepared for a fishing trip requires lots of time and it cannot be rushed. The first part of getting prepared for a fishing trip involves setting up your tackle box. After you decide on which type of tackles to use you should neatly organize them in a tackle box. This will help you in the long run because you will be able to access things quickly when you need them. Another part of having a successful fishing trip is using the proper types of tackles.
Choosing a Tackle
One of the most important parts of planning a fishing trip involves choosing the right types of tackles. When choosing your tackle you want to choose the most realistic looking types of tackle. Many people think that the type of tackle they choose is not important. The type of tackle that you use can determine if you have a successful fishing trip or not. Bass fish like to eat sea flounder. Therefore, you may want to buy tackle that look extremely similar to sea flounder so that you can trick the fish.
Drive Slow
Many people feel the need to drive extremely fast when they are on the open water. Many novice fishermen make this mistake and as a result they scare the majority of bass fish away. This is why it is important to drive slowly when fishing. This will allow you to approach any school of fish like a stealth bomber. At the same time, it is also important to not make any student movements with your rod. This will also scare the fish away. As a general rule, you should be as quiet as possible when fishing for bass tips.
Dress Warm
Many novice fishermen make the mistake of dressing too lightly for Winter fishing. Depending on the region you are fishing in the waters can be extremely choppy. This is why it is vital to wear a heavy winter jacket that is also water proof. If you dress too lightly you will be thinking about how cold you are instead of thinking about the best ways to catch tons of bass fish. The other mistake that many fishermen make is wearing a winter jacket that is not water proof. This is a bad idea because if you get wet the water can freeze in side of your jacket!
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