Five Walleye Pike Fishing Secrets
2016/7/16 16:38:05
The walleye pike is one of the most elusive species of fish around and this makes them one of the favorite among many anglers. They can be very aggressive and will put up a fight you won't soon forget once hooked. This is another thing that is so appealing to anglers. The walleye pike is also considered one of the best tasting fish around. With all these great qualities you can see why they are so popular.
The walleye pike are a little harder to catch than some of the other species but if you know where to find them and a few other secrets, your next fishing trip can be a success. The more you know about this species the easier it will be for you to plan out your fishing trips and return home with a catch you can be proud of.
Fishing Secrets that Work
Sometimes the most basic fishing tips will provide the best results. With all the modern technology available today many anglers tend to get overwhelmed and forget about the simple things that can make a big difference. Below are a few secrets that can help make all of your fishing trips more fun, exciting and productive.
Five simple walleye pike fishing secrets you can count on:
Choose the color of your lures carefully. The color you use will make a difference in how the walleye pike respond to your offering. When fishing in murky or cloudy waters the bright colors work the best. When fishing in clear water the natural colors are the best. Of course, live bait will normally always get their attention no matter what type of water you're fishing in.
Adapt to your surroundings no matter when or where you're fishing. You never know exactly what to expect when you go walleye pike fishing. To be a success you must be able to change your technique to match the surroundings you're in at any given time. What worked one day in a particular situation, may not work the next day even if the fishing conditions seem to be similar.
Get familiar with your location. The walleye pike tend to stay near the bottom of the water but they also gather around structures for cover and to lie in wait for prey. By learning the area you will have a better idea of where to find this species so you won't have to spend all day searching for them.
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