Cheap Homemade Carp Fishing Baits for Big Fish!
2016/7/16 16:37:25
Today with the recession and ever rising costs, there is no better time to exploit making your own unique fishing baits to take full control and increase your budget-savings, choose your exact ingredients and levels you want to exploit, and to experience the amazing satisfaction of catching new personal best fish (on your very own budget-price, secret homemade baits!) There is far more to exploit than just bait flavours however and the majority of carp anglers when discussing their favourite flavours and readymade bait brands never truly get to appreciate and exploit the proven potential of much less well known carp feeding triggers, ingredients, additves, incitants, enhancers and so on, and continue to accept average catches and miss a gigantic advantage available to everyone with open eyes and ears! So if you want to save a fortune in bait in the coming years and wish to improve you fishing results and be able to leverage homemade bait-making to maximum effect " read on!
Of course it is no surprise that homemade bait-making is making a big come-back; the advantages these can very much out-weigh the financial costs and over-inflated expectations associated with constantly buying popular readymade baits which simply do not produce outstanding catches for the average angler. Regularly on a range of different waters I and my friends have fished with economical homemade baits against anglers using all the well-known brands of readymade baits - and we have held our own or out-fished the more expensive baits very many times. Our catches along with those of other homemade bait-makers over the past 30 plus years prove that they are potent and economical edges in carp fishing; in fact the bait company bosses of today mostly started-out at their own kitchen tables or in their own garden sheds!
Having banked twenty forty pound carp from UK lakes I realise many things have changed about carp fishing in the past 40 years and especially the size of carp now available, but it is very obvious you need to fish the waters with fish of the size you wish to catch " I know anglers who have very few twenties under their belts because of the limited lakes they fish within a particular region of the country. Your fishing goals are very personal and weight of fish is very irrelevant in many aspects; your personal success can be measured in many ways beyond fish weights and any sponsored angler can sit full-time on any water until they catch all the fish in the lake (i.e. big deal!) It is best to measure your success by setting your own goals and exactly how you aim to achieve them and fulfilling those goals than by comparing just how many thirties or whatever you have caught in a year and catching them on your own homemade unique baits makes all the difference to and gives a far deeper meaning to catch results in my opinion!
As I do not have the endless time and money and free bait that so many high profile carp anglers have available today I have to look at achieving other competitive edges and this is where homemade baits and ground baits in all formats come in! Having the genuine desire to learn and develop your thinking in the first place is an excellent advantage because the majority of carp anglers get stuck in ruts of following popular fashions and what worked in the past without working out for themselves their own edges that will keep them ahead - without reading a single magazine advert or prejudiced magazine advertorial! Again, making your own unique baits of all formats not just boilies or pellets or just standard particles etc, really is a competitive edge that pays-off big-time!
Although beginning in carp bait making is like starting junior school again - when you are really competing against bait companies (and individuals) who are exploiting professionals with PhDs in food science, fish nutrition, electrochemistry and so on, you can be certain your efforts will pay-off, big-time! Although certain anglers will rave-on about a balanced nutritional value bait being as fully digestible as possible and sorted down the third limiting amino acid level, you may noticed that over 90 percent of all carp caught in the world are not caught on such baits; this is because only a handful of well-connected bait designers can actually produced baits to this effect! The nutritional, metabolic and health impacts of a fast and efficiently digested bait cannot be under-estimated however; it figures that the more energy a fish has available after eating baits and the more a bait offers in potential rewards that carp detect in them, the more chances you have of fish actually mouthing baits and consuming them repeatedly " with more chances of captures than very many competing baits perhaps with much less to offer (view my unique ebooks on bait design and making at Baitbigfish for more!)
The average carp angler has been conditioned by appearances to associate carp baits with flavours; many are still on the basic level of asking other anglers what flavour they are using and this is a great shame as these anglers are missing out on tremendously better catches if they knew more! The real key to long-term success for average-skilled anglers is the use of nutritionally stimulating baits seriously packed with optimum levels of nutritional substances carp need in order to survive. Many versions of food style baits are being offered commercially by countless companies, but the large majority of these baits are in effect wasted by the fish due to being indigestible to varying degrees " but make no mistake, they still catch carp on many carp waters.
Of course flavours are such a popular subject for carp anglers, but most realise that the majority of flavours are just average or worse while a relative few are very potent by comparison to others and really do work, if not directly in effecting feeding responses, then indirectly helping enhance and improve ionising effects of other bait substances such as betaine and amino acids and so on etc! Some very most effective flavours are the type that by methodically testing against standard baits you can overdose and top standard baits so they catch far more fish at almost any water you visit than the very same standard bait from the same bag but with no extra added flavour, but please be aware that anything has a flavours of some sort even plastic and rubber baits, and carp can detect some substances to a few parts in a billion (this is fact.) Although chilli extracts are very popular few anglers rally appreciate the many aspects of their impacts upon fish senses, digestion and metabolism, long range chemoreception and lateral line sensitivities and mode of feeding they can induce and so on; it may come as a big surprise that carp actually enjoy the pleasure from the pain response initiated by the hot peppers " just as we enjoy hot curries and spicy foods for the same reason (see my flavours and feeding triggers ebooks for more!)
When you understand and appreciate much more deeply the relationship between substances carp depend upon for their very survival and how these impact upon their senses, health, digestion and metabolism etc you will be able to boost and top readymade baits like crazy be supremely confident in making and using your own specially powerful boilies, pellets, particle and fake baits and be able to leverage substances in ground baits to pull even more fish to your hook baits and get them feeding far more intensively and competitively! Everyone is on a learning curve in regards to baits but I can save you decades of researching and practical experience in choosing ingredients, formulating recipes, making baits and applying baits for big fish success and I am biased only in regards what works - as I am deliberately not affiliated with any individual bait company whatsoever despite having contacts and friends at many of the leading ones. You can even boost the simplest of baits far more than you might have ever read in the vast majority of carp magazines " I have written my ebooks to help you achieve your big fish dreams just as I have; so find out more at my site Baitbigfish!
By Tim Richardson.
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