Why To Think About Red Lake Fishing
2016/7/16 16:34:18
Forced boredom can result in some interesting and off the wall activities. For people living in regions with extended and cold winters, there is still a sense of wanting to go out and be active rather than succumb to cabin fever.
We want to continue to do some of the things we like, no matter the weather and fishing is one of those activities that gets tweaked into something different but no less enjoyable when the long cold months settle in - ice fishing.
Without the constant buzz of mosquitoes, but with the addition of low temperatures and freezing winds, many ice fishers take pride in bundling up and trudging out onto the frozen expanse of a lake.
Once you get a sense that you have found a good spot, drilling into the ice is the order of the day! Once that is done, ice fishers settle in and wait for their catch to bite.
If this sounds odd to you, it isn't for many people in the Midwest near lakes. Ice fishing can be a time of fun and bonding as you sit back and drink hot cocoa. Ice shacks pop up like tiny and impromptu Burning Man villages and there is a sense of community. Ice fishing accounts for a quarter of the annual catch of some Northern Midwestern states. Also, one of the premier fishing spots is located in Minnesota.
Red Lake fishing is coveted by many ice fishers as Red Lake is a premier fishing spot. Located in Northern Minnesota this lake is home to many types of fish like walleyes, crappies, jumbo perch, and northern pike.
People rent cabins in the summer and Red Lake rents ice cabins in the winter for the express purpose of ice fishing. These cabins can be either two or four person equipped and there is now the option of having the freedom to eat what you catch right away by frying it while you're on the lake.
It seems like we are sold the idea that everyone leaves as soon as it is too cold for too long. The truth is, not many people have the money to travel to tropical destinations and so they make due with what they have and it results in some of the most innovative and fun activities. Red Lake fishing is one way to truly enjoy the cold.
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