Transitioning From Winter To Spring Fly Fishing
2016/7/16 16:27:26
As winter closes and spring begins to take its place, the anticipation of getting back out on the water for springtime fly fishing in Colorado is on many fishermen's minds. Whether you're a seasoned pro, an excited new beginner, or somewhere in between it's always good to read up on Breckenridge fly fishing techniques. March is usually the time where fishermen are transitioning to the fun time of spring Breckenridge fly fishing after spending the long winter months not fishing at all or adventurously winter fishing in Colorado. Each season requires different skills and approaches and this is no different for transition periods.
If you're lucky and in an area where the temperature is starting to warm up offering more opportunities for open waters, then take advantage of this chance to hone your Breckenridge fly fishing skills. Fly fishing reports throughout Colorado should offer you some insight into where open waters may lie. Grab one of your Scott fly rods, best equipped to handle this transition period, and head out to find some action. Since this is an in-between time it will likely be hit or miss, but a true Breckenridge fly fishing lover knows the bad days of fishing in Colorado waters just make the good days that much sweeter.
While flies may work on the best of days with exceptional Breckenridge fly fishing conditions, their effectiveness will ultimately be low now, so sticking with the nymphs for a little bit longer will garner you the most success. Fishing in Colorado during this time offers a period of uncertainty; unpredictable weather and water conditions mean different considerations. Fly fishing reports usually show water conditions to be a little touchy during this time of year; running fast and high makes the trout stay cramped against the banks, hiding from fast currents behind structures, or low resting at the bottom. To be successful fishing in Colorado during this time you need heavy nymphs that are good for dead drifting, something the Radian, newest of the Scott fly rods can handle with ease.
Technique is everything when you fish Colorado waters; first isolate the area you intend on fishing - close to a structure is your best bet. An across-stream drift using one of your Scott fly rods is one of the better choices; make sure your placement is precisely in front of the feeding zone. Cast Scott Fly Rods new Radian on an upstream mend that will allow the fly to come downstream naturally, make several passes paying attention to the drag and slack. Slowly raise your rod so the nymph is coming from the bottom to the top naturally and repeat. Slow and easy is the best approach fishing in Colorado during this time.
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