Lake Crowley Still Hott
2016/7/16 16:26:57
I was going head off to Phoenix last week for a family reunion. The sudden rain
storms and flooding made us hold off for a few days so family could get their
houses in order. Since we had a few days before we would leave I proposed to
my wife we head up to Mammoth on our way to Phoenix. I said "It's on the
way", well it really isn't but it sounded good. I got the nod of approval and we
were off, two days of fishing Crowley. A storm ripped through Mammoth and left
cold temps and snow. We arrived Monday to cold weather but Tuesday and
Wednesday quickly warmed up. The plan was to do midging and pass on the
streamer fishing. To midge fish all you need is a 9' 5wt rod, 12'-14' of straight 5x,
and tie on two midges 10 inches apart with a split shot crimped between them
with an indicator to suspend them. Once you find the depth of water you want to
fish, clamp some hemostats to the bottom fly and lower it down into the water till
it hits the bottom, place your finger on the fly line where it touches the surface of
the water and place your indicator 6 inches to a foot below that mark.
The fishing was off a bit on Green Banks Tuesday and Wednesday so you really
had to work hard to find the fish, but your indicator would go under plenty of
times to keep the stripe off your back. Thursday was going to be a half day of
fishing then start the drive to Phoenix. The plan for Thursday was to fish 6 Bays in
the North Arm. The morning started off cold and clear but once the sun crested
over the Nevada mountains, it warmed up quick. The warm still weather was
perfect for the midges to start hatching. With a few casts to different depths the
magic number was 13 feet. Hang your midges in 13 feet of water, 6 inches to a
foot off the bottom and you were in the zone. Every 3-5 minutes your indicator
would disappear under the smooth glassy surface. This went on for........ Well I
don't get to say this much, but we left them biting. All the fish caught were fat
chunky rainbow, even the smaller bows were thick footballs with big bellies. My
best fish was a fat 21" rainbow that went 4 pounds.
This has been one of the best seasons in 10 years. The fishing season will be
ending in a few weeks, so you still have a little time to get in on the great fishing.
If you have been in the shop you know I talk a ton about Crowley and that's
because it's one of my favorite places to fish in the Eastern Sierra's. When I bring
up Crowley in the shop I get the same response: "Crowley is a mud hole in the
desert". Well I'm ok with that, more big fat trout me!
About the Author:
Chuck Loudat works at "The Bird Rock Fly Shop" in La Jolla CA. He is the assistant
manager for the shop. When he's not fishing the Eastern Sierra's or tying flies you
will find him casting a fly rod in the San Diego Surf or fly fishing out of his kayak on
San Diego Bay. Come Visit Me at for more reports and info.
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