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Fishing And Powerbait

2016/7/16 15:23:02

Many angler use Powerbait for fishing, especially trout fishing. For this article, I'm going to be specifically referring to the Powerbait that comes in jars or pre-formed chunks, and these types of Power baits are mainly used for catching trout. Powerbait is most effective on stocked trout (you know, the trout that the fish and game department plants in lakes and rivers?) My fishing buddies and I have always joked that the government must feed the trout Powerbait when they are growing up in the hatcheries, because they seem to be addicted to the stuff. The most effective way to use Powerbait is with a bottom rig, which I will explain in this article.

The first thing that needs to be understood is that Powerbait floats. You need to make sure that you use this to your advantage, by having your offering floating off of the bottom, above any underwater debris. The other thing that needs to be understood is that really heavy fishing line should not be employed for this setup. I suggest 4 pound test, and six pound is tolerable. Fishing line any larger than 6 pound test will cost you bites, because its so much more visible to trout.

Begin by grabbing the end of your line and slipping an egg sinker onto it. Now tie on a small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12) that will act as a "stopper" for your weight. Your egg sinker should be no bigger than is necessary to keep your line taught (1/4 to 3/8 oz usually suffices). Now that we have the barrel swivel and egg sinker in place, tie a pre tied set of gang hooks onto the opposite end of the barrel swivel. Gang hooks allow you to present twice as much Powerbait. If you don't like the idea of gang hooks, simply tie on a single small hook, that's attached to a leader. This is your actual rig, and I'm going to assume that you're using gang hooks (only because that's what I prefer).

At this point, add enough Powerbait to each hook to completely cover the hook. So you should have 2 balls of Powerbait hanging from this rig. Set your rig in the water by the bank and make sure that the Powerbait is floating. If it's not, add a little more to each ball. Remember, the fact that the Powerbait floats, is integral to this rig. Now that you know that the Powerbait is floating, you're ready to cast. Cast your line out gently (I say gently because the Powerbait can fly off the hooks) and let it sink to the bottom. Once your line in on bottom, slowly reel in the slack line. Now set your rod in a steady place (many anglers prefer a forked stick stuck into the ground). Make sure your line is completely taught.

Now it's time to wait. Your rod will begin to bounce when a trout is biting your offering. I usually wait 30-45 minutes and if I haven't received any bites, I reel in and check my bait. This is the time to add more Powerbait or change colors. Recast and wait again,. If you get no bites after the second time, you may want to move. It usually doesn't take stocked trout too long to bite. The method that I just described is the best way to fish for trout with Powerbait. Give it a shot and see what happens.
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