Fly Fishing on the Snake River
2016/7/16 15:21:17
If you are a fly fishing enthusiast, you are always looking for that perfect trip. The Snake River offers plenty of spots you will find simply incredible.
The Snake River runs over 1,000 miles and is the main tributary to the Columbia River. It originates near the continental divide in Yellowstone Park in Wyoming and runs down into Idaho. The river is simply beautiful on its own right, but is also known for two odd things. Evil Knievel attempted to jump it [and failed] and Lewis and Clark were the first to explore the river.
For fly fishing, the Snake has a lot to offer. The best time to hit the river is after the melt off. Since the seasons range in dates, it is often difficult to plan ahead since nobody can really predict when things warm up. In general, you want to look to June and July each year. The river is a mass of debris and dirt as the snow pack melts through late April. After that, the water clears and it is time for some fun until October when winter starts to spread its wings again.
If you are thinking about hitting the Snake this year, the fish of choice is the Spotted Cutthroat Trout. It is a dry fly fish, which makes the Snake a paradise for those who prefer to cast the dry fly. In June and July, the fishing is not particularly challenging. The trout are hungry and strike just about anything. If you are a novice, this means you may be in for the time of your life. Just about any large dry fly is going to get action like you would not believe.
So, where do you fish. If you are looking for shore spots, there are plenty. The best are Jackson Lake Dam, Pacific Creek and Deadmans Bar. If you prefer to get in and float, you probably want to go with a guide. The Snake River is a volatile piece of water. It will run from serene and quiet into vicious, churning rapids and back before you know what threw you into the water.
If you are looking for some excellent fishing in a beautiful area, it is hard to go wrong with a trip to the Snake River. If you are married, the upper sections of the lake provide many other attractions such as Yellowstone for a spouse that isn't as excited about the fishing prospects.
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