A halibut is a flat fish found in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. Halibuts make for fine meals and are sought after by professional and select hobby fisherman, internationally. An average halibut usually weighs between 24-30 pounds, therefore they are easy to clean and cook in a restaurant and home setting.
Halibut are slow to mature and do not reproduce until eight years old, when they have grown to be about 30 inches long. Therefore, smaller fish must be thrown back, according to U.S. regulations. This helps keep the fish sustainable into the future. Pacific halibut fishing is managed by the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). Fishing for halibut is usually permitted during a 9-month open season, but commercial fisheries have quotes and rules that they must abide by.
The sports fisherman has more leeway when fishing for halibut because they catch in smaller quantities. For example, in Alaska catches are limited by area and slot size. In British Columbia, one fish can be caught per day and you can only hold onto to two at a time before throwing one back. To catch a halibut, hobbyist uses a large rod and reel that can accommodate an 80â150 pound line. Typical bait might include, salmon heads, jigs or herring. Because halibut are surprisingly strong, large individuals sometimes must be subdued before bringing them on board a boat. Subduing a fish occasionally requires a quick shot. If you do not want to risk a gun, consider investing in a flying gaff or a safety harpoon.
Some areas of the Pacific Northwest that are known for their halibut fishing are the Dutch Harbor near Alaska, cause, Kodiak, the west side of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Craig, Alaska, Homer, Alaska, and Neah Bay Washington. Most of these areas have resorts that cater to families seeking sports fishing as part of their vacation experience. Of note, Homer, Alaska prides itself on being the "Halibut Capital of the World," but you will have to judge that for yourself.
Before you go fishing for halibut, the Outdoor Adventure Guide recommend that you make sure you have the proper equipment and utilize a reputable sports fishing company if you are seeking guidance.