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Lance Armstrong Talks About A Truth And Reconciliation Program

For over 15 years, Lance Armstrong, was in the eye of the storm. His story was as compelling and heart moving as any fiction writer could write up. Here, the U


Replace Damaged Parts Of Your Bicycle With Cycle Spare Parts

A large number of people across the globe depend on cycles to enjoy short leisurely rides with friends and hence cycles are one of the chosen means of transpor


Lance Armstrong Faces Doping Charges From Usada

The United States Anti-Doping Agency, USADA, has made formal allegations against Lance Armstrong, only four months after federal officials dropped a nearly tw


Vietnam Adventures Travel Tips

When you are going on Vietnam adventure travel, there are some tips you can use. These tips are designed to help you enjoy your stay and have an excellent time


Cyclist Nutrition

Cyclist Nutrition Have you ever asked yourself how many calories you should consume before a tough training session? Well, you won’t find an answer in this ar


Bikes That Best Suit You

So, its time to get a bike - a choice that is easy if you know what you want. The final decision will be easier once you understand the range of bikes and thei


Become A Fitness Instructor By Studying Online

Bored with the normal 9 to 5 work routine and looking for a change in career? One way to keep fit, work in a positive and interesting profession, and meet lots


Christmas Is Almost Here! - Early New Years Resolution Ideas

With Christmas upon us, everyone (including us at 2 Wheel Tours) is frantically shopping for last minute gifts, decorating the tree and preparing their bodies


Consider Jogging Strollers, Lowrider Bikes

In the never-ending search for a perfect exercise/recreation vehicle, parents often turn to such unique items as jogging strollers and low rider bikes, for the


Get Good Carbon Cranks For Your Bike

If the actual race is important, then the preparation before the race is more essential. Exercises, nourishment, sharing tips, chalking out the course of the t


Taking Part In The Ironman Triathlons Needs Intensive Fitness Tra

Nothing can beat the necessity and efficacy of good training and a healthy body in top physical condition to make the best of mountain biking. A good trainer,


Bicycle Buying Guide

Bicycles can be used for a number of purposes, including recreation, fitness, transportation and sports. If you are planning on purchasing a new bike, consider


How To Get A Quality Speedometer For Your Mountain Bike?

This article throws some light on the advantages of using speedometer for a mountain bike, places where you can get this equipment at affordable prices. There


What To Check Out In America?

This article throws light on mountain bike tours in America and whats worth checking out in America. It also emphasizes on different places in America which fo


Polar S720i: Measure Results Indoors Or Outdoors

Outdoor running and treadmill running each have their fans, but results can be measured in either, to ensure a successful running program. There may come a ti


Running Shoes, Triathlon Shoes: Choose Wisely

Runners can find information about the best shoes for their needs at various review sites and sources. There are running shoes and then there are running shoe


Equipment For Mountain Bikes

The categories of equipment for mountain bikes include a great number of subcategories. These subcategories include the bikes, frames, accessories, biking app


Take A Mountain Biking Tour

Mountain bike is a sport that is rapidly taking off around the world. So great is its popularity that travel companies are taking advantage of this and offerin


How T-shirts Can Be Used For Branding?

T-shirt is almost like a person itself as it can change someone’s mind. It can preach a message, give ideas and simply spread a name around. With so many thing


Bicycle Tours France- Adventure And Relaxation At Its Best

Biking holiday is the most ideal way to spend a vacation if you are not in the mood to visit a place with the big luggage from one destination to the other. Va

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