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Beryl Burton-one of the Greatest Female Athletes Ever?

The Woman who Broke  Mens and Womens RecordsYou may never have heard of this woman, unless you are British aged 50 plus, or a cyc


Tips for cycling through the winter months

Getting around in the winter is hard enough with public transport being delayed, the roads being icy and everyone being snowed in. But if you are


Reasons People Ride Bikes

Riding Bikes is Fun One of the most important reasons people ride bicycles is because it is fun. The pure joy of pedaling a bicy


Takara Kabuto Single Speed Road Bike

The Takara Kabuto Single Speed Road Bike is a very inexpensive singlespeed road bike that is sold online. You can find the Takar


How to shift a bicycle

I recently heard that less than 10% of new cars are sold with manual transmissions. Many drivers cant drive a car with a stick s


Essential Gear for Every Road Bike Trip

Theres nothing more discouraging for a road cyclist than having to call someone to come and get you because your bike is un


Topeak Fuel Tank Medium Review

Topeak Fuel Tank Bag    Toptube bags have been around for a while now, initially popularised by triathletes and subsequently by the


Topeak Fuel Tank Large Review

Topeak Fuel Tank BagThe Topeak Fuel Tank Bag is part of the current trend in rackless (meaning the luggage straps directly to the frame) bags, thi


Fluids that Keep a Road Bike on the Road

Fluids and road-bike maintenanceWhether youre riding a century or taking a spin around the pa


Chilly Hilly. A Slackers Insight into the Biking World

Bainbridge IslandThe Last Sunday in FebruaryThe traditional start to the biking season in the northwest, Chilly Hilly has been a


What is the Best Helmet for you? Finding a Good Bike Helmet

The Best HelmetsChoosing what bike to buy can be fun; the helmet, not so much. It is a necessary part of staying safe on a bicycle but is rarely s


Cheap Thin Wheel Cruiser Bikes

Classic StyleThe cruiser bicycle is also known as a beach cruiser. Finding a cheap cruiser bike with thin wheels may be easier t


Wilier 2013 Gran Turismo Weekend Rider Review

I have been riding an aluminum frame road bike for years. The bike, a LeMond Reno with its Shimano 105 group set, was satisfacto


Review of CatEye Strada Wireless Cycle Computer

CatEyes Strada Wireless Computer The wireless Strada cycle computer, from CatEye. Dedi


16 Cycling Tips & Techniques

Cycling is a favorite sport of mine. I am no pro and far from becoming one; but for sure I can hold my own. Like most that love the sport or find


Review of 2013 Whyte 529 Hardtail 29er Mountain Bike

Choosing My 29er Mountain BikeThis year I used the Cycle to Work initiative to get a new bike - a scheme introduced by the UK&nb


A Cycling Challenge For Charity - The Great Yorkshire Bike Ride 2012

The Great Yorkshire Bike Ride was first ridden in 1983 when 40 cyclists rode from Tockwith to Scarbrough to raise mone


The Biggest Cycle Tour in the World

Every year, each summer in Cape Town, South Africa a couple of thousand cyclists leave for a loop around the peninsula lasting 1


Tips For New Mountain Bike Riders

Mountain biking is a very fun and healthy activity to get involved with. If youre interested in mountain biking but have never d


Choosing a baby bike seat

When do your children get their first wheels? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, not until they are one year old a

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