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To Rotate Or Not To Rotate

The biking experts say that it is common for a front tire to outlast a rear tire by as much as three to one. Driving forces and weight wear the rear tire down q


All About Cornering

People love cycling. Whether you are highly competitive or cycle for leisure purposes, there is a method to the act. Learning the proper way to do things is a b


Proper Tire Pressure

Tires are rated by their respective manufacturers for a given PSI often with a recommended and a maximum range. For the purposes of this, we’ll be touchin


Avoiding Flats While Riding

Flatting is a drag; not only does it take time to get back on the road but at speed, or in traffic, it can be very dangerous.Snake Bite/Pinch FlatThe most avoid


Installing New Road Bicycle Pedals

Installing new pedals yourself is quick and easy.You will need the following* Allen key and/or pedal wrench* GreaseRemoving the old pedals:Removing the ol


Installing New Bicycle Tires

To install your new tires begin by deflating your current tires and removing them. If required use plastic tire levers but NEVER a metal screw driver; doing so


Spring Training For Cyclists

Are you signed up for an event you’re not ready for? Maybe your buddies are kicking your butt up the hills? Being slow is a common spring problem for ride


Continental Grand Prix 4000 Bike Tire

The Continental Grand Prix 4000 is a vast improvement over its predecessor in many regards. The Grand Prix 3000 was a wonderful tire to use. It was comfortable,


Look Keo Carbon Pedals Review And Highlights

The Look Keo Carbon pedal embodies the perfect balance between weight and performance. Twenty years ago when Look first invented the clip less pedal it then too


Bicycle Clothing: Choosing A Jersey That Will Last

It is easy to categorize yourself into classes depending on your comfort, knowledge and physical characteristics. In fact, we do it almost unconsciously. Thin


Love Cycling

The inspiring story of Lance Armstrongs determined struggle against cancer and his triumphant return to professional cycling has touched hundreds of thousands o


Bike Magazines - Lots Of Choices

If you have an avid bicyclist in your family or circle of friends, you may be scratching your head, trying to figure out what on earth to get them for the upcom


Implement Cycling in Your Family Fun Time

Family life is one of the first casualties of the fast paced modern life. When you have two parents that both work and children busy with school and extracurri


Family Cycling Holidays in France

Cyclists of all abilities can look forward to some fantastic scenery whilst on a cycling holiday in France, along with experiencing traditional French cuisine i


Cycling: More Benefits Than You Think

Cycling to work or school has more benefits than you may think. Most people I know think that they would feel strange, they might lose balance, they may have to


How Do You Film the Tour De France?

The 2008 Tour de France has been one of the most exciting Tour races in a long time. With multiple GC (overall fastest rider) contenders all within seconds of e


Cycling: For Your Body and for Your Mind

Cycling is commonly used means of a transport, and it is also a sport and a form of recreation. It is the usage of bicycles, and other cycles which are less use


A Guide To Group Riding

The more the merrier. While some sports are more solitary in nature, it is common to see cyclists riding in a pack. For safety, companionship, and encouragement


Installing A New Saddle

With the excitement of trying a new saddle don’t overlook the chance to increase the joy of that first ride. Take a moment before you remove your current


Why The Ugliness Of Cycling Shorts Is Surpassed Only By Their Importance

Non-riders have a tendency to laugh at the shiny, often gaudy cycling clothes worn by even casual bicyclists, but if they rode even a few miles, they would unde

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