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Human Powered Vehicles - Bike Trikke Skateboard

When you think of human powered vehicles what comes to mind? Most will think of different forms of bikes. There is the bicycle, unicycle, and tricycle. Did you


Use of Bike Racks

You can prevent your bike from getting stolen by using a bike rack. You can securely attach your bike to a bike rack. This rack in turn is fixed to the ground,


The History and Evolution of The Bicycle

Bicycles are one of the most popular forms of transportation in modern cities today. Particularly in some parts of China and in Dutch countries, bicycles are u


Properly Securing Your Bike in the City

A bicycle is the easiest way to travel in the city if you want to keep gas in your car. It is small and you can park it almost anywhere, however, it is not as


Bicycles - Riding on the Sidewalks

Bicycles can be ridden just about everywhere outdoors, including the sidewalks, but before you try this, you must understand a few things. Sidewalk bicycle rid


Bicycles - Riding in Traffic

Traffic can be unpredictable, so if you plan to ride your bike in it, you must be alert at all times. It takes times before you can ride on the freeway with co


BMX Games Are Fast And Furious

When it comes to all the rage extreme sports in our time, it has to be BMX games. It is one of the toughest form of cycling, no wonder it is next to some of the


Folding Bicycles - Store Them Wherever You Like

Folding bicycles or folders have been designed with multiple hinges and joints, which can be locked when required. The Folding bikes can be folded into a likeab


BMX Parks Are Perfect Places To Practice Bicycle Skills

BMX Parks are either made of wood or they come in concrete forms. In most cases, the parks meant for BMX riders are council supplied parks made of metal. The st


Fitting A Road Bike Frame To Your Needs

For most of us, well-intentioned but casual bike riders who secretly believe we might be Lance Armstrongs heir if we only had a few more hours a day to spend on


BMX Racing

BMX racing is for the young and young at heart. It is a fun sport catering to mainly the younger generation. Kids generally use 20 bikes for BMX racing and kids


How To Find The Best Bicycle Frame Looking Beyond Its Paint

Whether youre shopping for a bike or just admiring them, the first part you notice is probably the bicycle frame. The frame is the heart of a bicycle, as well a


A General View About The Bicycle

A bicycle, pushbike, or bike, is a pedal-driven land vehicle which has two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. They were first introduced in 19th-


Mountain Bike Frames

Your very first ride down the steep slopes of a bona fide mountain on a rock strewn trail on an old bike will undoubtedly leave you convinced to the necessity o


Motorcycle Road Trips: Cruising the Barrier Islands of North Florida

With bike week just around the corner, bikers from all over the country are pulling their motorcycles out of winter storage and cleaning up their leathers in an


Customizing Your Bicycle Rims

Barring a serious crash or the most frequent bike accident of all-entering the garage with a bicycle on your car roof rack-your bicycle rims will probably last


Ask Yourself These Questions When Shopping For Cycling Jerseys

Runners can run in nearly any clothing as long as they have running shoes, but bicyclists practically require the highly specialized apparel of their sport. Eve


Quick Tune-up For Spring Bicycle Riding

For those of us who put our bikes away for the winter, the time has come to dust them off and get ready to ride. When bringing a bike out of storage, a mini tun


Bicycles - Your First Vehicle

Most of us got one when we were kids. Five years old seems about the age when kids are ready for their first ride. Getting your first bike is really a time of


How To Choose A Mountain Bike

The first thing to do before purchasing a bicycle for any reason is to know what your primary riding is going to be. Most people initially purchase a dual use b

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