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Spanish Cycling Tours For The Family

2016/7/26 16:16:59

An Exciting Tour of Spain

Anyone that's ever traveled will tell you that Europe is one of the most beautiful countries, with Spain being a very popular vacation and tourist destination. People from all over the world tour to Spain to see the sites. While there are many activities to do and things to see in Spain, there are some special highlights you can't miss. Whether you're walking, renting a car or part of a bicycle tour, make the most of the sites here.


Travelers that have already been on a tour of Spain all agree that every tour should include a trip to Barcelona. You won't want to miss walking down La Rambla, the mile-long boulevard, known as the center of the city. It's like an outdoor street festival with vendors, shops, restaurants and street performers. Whether you're enjoying tapas while you walk or getting a snack from the Boqueria food market, you'll love this section of town. The beautiful architecture in the buildings is every one's dream. Speaking of architecture, some of their most eye-catching landmarks are the Cathedral La Sagrada Familia or the Paseo de Gracia's house, Manzana del la Discordia. This is also the home of the 1992 Olympic stadium.


Madrid is another amazing and gorgeous city you won't want to miss on your tour in Spain. Some of the best museums in the world can be found in Madrid. If you are an art lover, you won't want to miss seeing this city and all it has to offer. Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Museo del Prado and the Museuo Thyssen-Bornemisza are all places you must insist on seeing while in Madrid. The Plaza Mayor, which is the square located on the center of Madrid, was the life of the city in the 17th century. Today you will find this section full of cafes, shops and festivals. You'll also get to see the Royal Palace, which was build for King Philip V in 1724.

Besides The Major Cities...

Besides the main cities of Madrid and Barcelona, you'll find other interesting sections of Spain. Pamplona, home of the famous Running of the Bulls is worth seeing. You can actually watch the running as well as participate in the yearly festival if you make it there in July. If there is one important thing you can't miss while in Spain, it's the Spanish food. Many of the locals go from caf to caf sampling as they go, which is known as "tapas crawl". You'll find plenty to do while touring Spain, whether it's eating, strolling down the boulevard or soaking up the sun and learning the language and culture.

Walking tours and bicycle tours are very popular in Italy, Spain and Europe. Cycling tours are a great way to spend family time while on vacation as well as getting some sightseeing in at the same time.

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