Top Training And Fitness Tips For Serious Cyclists
2016/7/26 16:15:57
To get the most out of your training there is more to do than simply just turning up to ride. Simple planning before your cycling training can ensure that you gain the optimum benefit from each session. Having a specific strategy that will address what you are aiming to get out of a day on the bike will go along way to your achieving success.
Discipline is the one thing all serious athletes require in order to reach their goals. It is the common element that can be found resident within all those that we look up to in the sporting arena and aspire to be like. For me the simple action of getting out of that warm bed early in the morning is the hardest step of all! Discipline demands that you make decisions ahead of time. There will be no saying no if it is too cold or too hot. There will be no question as you lay your head on the pillow of whether you will be rising the next day with the sun or not. Discipline is often the difference between the great and the good.
Even serious cyclists are human and that is why they need extra motivation to keep on keeping on. The best way to stay motivated, in my opinion, is to train in a group. The best groups are between four and six cyclists. Don't let the group become too large as in a big group you will not be as conspicuous if you're absent one day. You must be conspicuous so that you can be chased up. It's all about accountability through a sense of belonging and responsibility to the group. Guilt is not necessarily a bad thing and if you're feeling guilty about letting the rest of your group down, you are more likely to stay regularly involved. This in turn will lead to greater levels of fitness, strength and endurance in you, which is a huge part of your aim in training.
Being part of a small cycling training group offers huge advantages. A bit of healthy competition is helpful in pushing us out of our comfort zones to achieve our personal best. Variety is the spice of life and small groups bring various opinions and experiences which will keep life interesting. Benefit from other's ideas about routes, strategies and techniques. Why not set a time limit to reach a certain destination and pit yourself against the others? This competition can be conducted in a friendly manner which still respects each other and ensures any criticism or advice is both gentle and constructive.
If you are training in a group, catering for the variance in abilities in the group can be managed so that every cyclist feels he/she is getting maximum benefit. Use the younger and fitter guys as lead wheel according to the difficulty of the route you have selected and train in a time trial formation - and go hard! Allow those who need recovery to stay at the back for longer stints. Steep climb sections may require a few really top members of the team to reach the top, turn round and head down to rejoin the group and head to the summit again, thus all working to their potential. Discuss these little things before heading out.
Within your training group, there will be various styles of cycling and various strengths. For example, there will be climbers, sprinters and maybe some all rounders. This is not a bad thing. Make it work for you by encouraging each other at times when your particular strength comes into play. Everyone can help those hill-haters and everyone can encourage the non-sprinters. Try changing your route once in a while. Hill training can be fun for all when you implement a short loop circuit. Fast riders can surge ahead and then catch the rest of the group, and the whole time you will still feel like you're training together. Handicapped sprints are a great way to finish off a training session and will leave everyone feeling satisfied with their progress.
Fun is really important when training in a group situation. Strengthen relationships within your group by conducting other events with whole families. Partners and children can be brought along to some cycle tracks for a day to remember. Dine out together and discuss training strategies informally. The closer your group becomes, the more accountability you will all feel. It is commonly accepted that athletic performance (like all achievement in life) is enhanced by healthy relationships and strong bonds with others in the team. Isn't it interesting that some of the best personal times are achieved by runners, swimmers and cyclists in relays or team events! Even if you are an individual competitor, your performance will no doubt be enhanced by the proximity and encouragement of your training buddies.
It is vital that you enhance the effects of your hard work and training by intaking the correct amount of food and drink for you. There are subtle differences in what cyclists believe is best to consume before, during and after a ride. However, most cyclists are agreed on the need for amino sports fuel and protein drinks. Amino Sports Fuel drinks are best taken before or during training, and these aim to replace the electrolytes you are using up. Protein shakes/supplements are best taken in the hour after you conclude your training to aid the recovery process of your muscles and prevent injury. You may as well have every advantage, afterall, you're doing your part in putting in the hard yards.
Safety should always be high on your priority list when cycling. You must consider all aspects of your intended route, including equipment needed, transition points, dense traffic areas, weather and communication signals for your training group. Know when members of your training group are likely to become tired and less alert. Use clear and consistent communication with the others in your group: this is all part of the required accountability. Most accidents occur when cyclists are tired and their reactions are much slower than they should be, so be scrupulously diligent about this. Always organise to return home on a very safe, tried and tested route.
You're a cyclist and you're looking for training advice..good on you! So many set out to train without gleaning advice and hearing the voice of experience, but you're not one of those. Find a training group so that you're not trying to do this all on your own. Then be determined, informed and consistent, and you will find success. Here's hoping you achieve your personal best and have the time of your life doing it!
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