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How To Disassemble A BMX Bike

2016/7/25 16:16:57

How to disassemble a BMX Bike? The BMX Bike is popular amongst the youth for doing extreme stunts. Doing a stunt may cause you or the bike to crash. If a part of the BMX Bike breaks you may need to replace it. Knowing how to disassemble your bike will be helpful for saving money and time.

The items you will need:

  • Wrench
  • Small adjustable wrench
  • Allen wrench
  • Flat head screwdriver
  1. Use a wrench to remove the head set bolt. Set the bolt aside. Once removed, you'll be able to disassemble the handle bars and the head set stem of your BMX Bike. 
  2. Use an Allen wrench to loosen the up both sides of the stem of your BMX Bike. Slide the handle bars off by lifting it up. Take off the spacers that were at the bottom of the handle bars. 
  3. Lift the frame out of the fork of your BMX Bike. Set the fork and front wheel to the side. 
  4. Loosen two bolts located where the seat is at. Underneath the padded seat is two bolts on each side, use a wrench to loosen one of them. It doesn't matter if the other bolt is tight the seat will slide off with one bolt loose. To remove the shaft that keeps the seat from falling you will have release the clamps to remove it. 
  5. Use a wrench to remove the bolt to the back wheel; if your bicycle has dk pags bolts on the back wheels you will need a socket wrench and a extender to disassemble. The dk pags are long and come in a cylinder shape and are often found on the newer models of BMX bikes. There are two bolts on each sides of the back wheel. Loosen both the bolts, then use both hands to remove the bolts.  
  6. Set the chain off the crank. Lift the chain nearest to the foot pedal up and set it aside; set the back aside as well. Slide the back wheel right out to disassemble the BMX Bike.  
  7. Use a small adjustable wrench on the bolts near the foot pedals. Hold the foot pedal with one hand to keep the pedal stable. Twist the bolt to the right to disassemble the BMX Bike. 
  8. You will need to take out the chain to your BMX Bike. Grab the chain and find the master link. The master link is bigger than the rest of the links to the chain. Take a flat head screwdriver and place it on the clap that opens and closes the link and apply force to the opposite direction. Pull the link out of the rest of it to remove the chain. 
  9. Next you will remove the crank. Go to the opposite side of where the crank is at. Near the base of the foot pedal will be a large bolt. Hold the foot pedal down and place the wrench on the bolt. Slide the bolt right through the pedal. 
  10. Use your fingers to remove a cylinder shape screw. Remove the screw and the bearings. 
  11. Invert the pedal so it can go through the hole. Now you have fully disassembled the BMX Bike.  
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