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Why Should You Be Wearing a Cycling Helmet Shield?

2016/7/25 14:51:34

Everyone knows that protecting your head is an important part of biking. It’s easier than you might think to slip off your bike and sustain an injury, so the more you can do to protect yourself, the better.

But not everyone has got a cycling helmet shield to complete the look. While they may not be worn as commonly as the helmets themselves, it’s worth taking a look at how they can help you to keep safe when you are out and about on your bike.

Protection for Your Face

A cycling helmet shield is available in two options. You can either get a cycling helmet shield to attach to your current helmet (if it will accommodate it) or you can get a hat made especially with a cycling helmet shield already included and built in.

Whatever option you go for, a cycling helmet shield has one big advantage for you from a safety point of view. If you should come off your bike and go down head first, there is a chance that you could damage your face or chin when you hit the ground. Even if all you get is gravel rash, that can be extremely sore and painful, and it can scar the soft tissue of your face.

A cycling helmet shield acts as a protector to prevent that from happening. And while you may still get the odd piece of gravel flying up into your face you will be protected from the worst injuries because it will cover most of your face.

An Alternative Use

But a cycling helmet shield doesn’t just come with benefits as far as avoided injuries are concerned. They can also come with a built in air filter, which means that the air you breathe in while you are out and about riding your bike is nice and clean and has had all the potential pollutants removed by the shield before it reaches you. In today’s choked up cities a cycling helmet shield is particularly good news, as it means you will be twice as safe while you are out getting some much needed exercise.

So the next time you need a new crash hat, don’t just settle for a standard one. Get one which has this extra degree of protection built in, to ensure that if you ever are unlucky enough to come off your bike, you will be as safe as possible without the risk of facial injuries.

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