2016/7/25 14:51:12
Bicycle tours are sort of bicycle vacations that entail using bikes to traverse some trails in a different locale. Most of these kinds of bicycle tours range around several days depending on where the bicycle tours are located and the trails that are available in the location. The term bicycle tours also apply to specific events which involve a large group of bikers who tour specific areas. These kinds of tours are like competitions that can last more than ten days. The Tour de France and the Tour de Langkawi fall under this classification of tours.
Let us focus on bicycle tours that involve the biker going out on his own or with a buddy to traverse trails around different locales for the sheer enjoyment of it. These kinds of tours are best done in a group or with someone since going out on your own can be dangerous and foolhardy, especially in foreign countries.
Touring on your bicycle can fall under several types, like lightweight touring. This kind of touring does not necessitate bringing camping gear and other food stuffs because the biker will be stopping at hostels or inns to sleep and eat there. The bikers financial supply or credit card is essential in this type of touring. This is highly popular in Europe and can be done alone. Other types of bicycle tours are full loaded touring and expedition touring. Both types of tours mean carrying a fair amount of gear for the biker's survival. These bicycle tours can go on for as long as the biker wants to and can be done all over the world.
The last kind of touring is called supported touring. This entails having a back-up vehicle as well as a sort of team to follow the bikers as they traverse the roads. Bicycle tours of this type usually involve a lot of bikers and can also be conducted for several days or to a specific destination. This can be a fun family outing of a trial run for a serious competition.
In most bicycle tours that last several days, lightweight camping equipment is needed for the biker to survive. Foods can be purchased in the local market but the means to cook the food is necessary equipment. A tent is also a must if you have no intention of sleeping in a hostel or inn.
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