2016/7/25 14:50:53
In order to fully appreciate any endeavor it is important to fully understand and realize all of the components involved in achieving success at that endeavor.
For example, in the world of baseball it seems easy, on the surface, to swing a bat and hit a ball. However, there is much more to the sport.
Specifically, a baseball player needs to practice their skills, study the opposing team and pitchers. Additionally, to prevent injury, the player needs to be in good shape in order to prevent injury and to optimally play the game.
Another competitive sport that is more than meets the eye is the world of pro bicycling. Those deeper dimensions found in the world of include the pro cycling equipment needed and the training required.
One of the key components that feeds in to the success of a pro bicycling race is the equipment. Specifically, that pro bicycling equipment is the bicycle itself.
This is because this bicycle is manufactured and created with the strongest materials available and yet utilizes components that are lightweight to provide maximum speed to the racer. Generally, the materials that are used to construct a lightweight frame include titanium, carbon or aluminum.
Another important component that maximizes the pro bicycling competition is the gear shift system. The gear shift system maximizes the physical efforts of the bicyclist. This is accomplished by moving the levers of the system and adjusting the gears to best meet the pedaling needs of the bicyclist and adjust to the terrain. Specifically, that terrain could be on a level plane, traveling uphill or downhill. Additionally, there are manufacturers of gear shift systems that are trying to make these devices electronic in nature.
Another important component that feeds into the success of the bicyclist in the pro bicycling circuit is the physical training that is required. Often that physical training is a combination of training on stationary bikes as well as non-stationary bicycles.
Generally, a pro bicycling biker can expect to be on a bike from 2 to 6 hours a day. In addition, the mileage, per day, can average 100 miles per day in training. Also, a biker does not just train physically on a bike, but trains in the gym utilizing weight equipment.
Also, as part of the training regimen, a bicyclist must prepare nutritionally. Specifically, the diet of pro bicycling biker is high in protein and carbohydrates.
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