Why The Choice Of Bicycle Seat Is So Crucial For Your Biking Enjoyment
2016/7/25 11:45:35
Often when or if you buy a new bike it will always come with a stock seat. The seat that is stock on the bike is made to fit and take your weight. Most of the stock seats are very uncomfortable and hurt. That is why you can get other bike seats with a gel mesh that is like a bed for your butt while riding your bike.
If you have never ridden with a different bike seat then the one that is stock on your bike then you're in for a surprise. The thing you will need to think about when you are getting anew seat is whether you like it hard or soft. If you are a heavy rider than you will probably like it soft and not hard it is better I say to ride soft then hard. Others may like a hard seat thought.
The other choice is whether to buy a narrow or rather width size seat. You should get the seat that fits your bottom. If you get one that's too small take it back and gets one that's bigger because you are not going to enjoy the ride at all. So when you pick one out do it right the first time and buy the best one that will fit you and that will last.
You can even choose from what kind of material your bike seat is made from. You can get a mesh gel kind, soft, hard, cushiony all kinds of seats are made to comfort your ride wherever you go or how far you go.
As a man you need to pick the one bike seat that will fit you as tests have proven that it is hard on the penile areas in the legs. If ridden like this over time may make you infertile. If you ride with the right kind of seat for your body then you will not have these types of problems. Women may also like to ride so she will need to choose the right seat for her too. Women need to have the seat that fits them too so when you are picking out your new seat make sure whether you're a female or male to buy the correct seat.
If you don't want to spend a lot of time upgrading the seat then pick one that is quick to install and will comfort you as you take a ride. When you buy a bike seat you need to always buy the one that will make it a comfortable bike ride for you. If you don't then it wont be such a good ride and might result and some pain to your butt.
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