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How to Buy a Bike

2016/7/25 11:44:49

For some of us, buying a bicycle can be as intimidating as going into a gourmet Italian coffee shop. The choices are endless and the language is nothing short of foreign. In an attempt to ease the decision making process and ensure that you end up with the right bicycle, I've compiled a list of tips to help you on your journey.

1.Know what you will use your bike for. Are you going to be out cruising with the kids? Riding for fitness? Commuting or maybe flying downhill? Depending on how you intend to use your bike, you will need a different bike for needs. Know your needs first, before you start looking.

2.Mind the dip. I've seen so many casual cyclists make the mistake of buying an expensive mountain bike just to cruise around the look park paths. The most expensive bike out there is the one you buy that is completely wrong for you. Make sure you consider your environment. Are you travelling in an urban area or on an unpaved hiking trail? Either way, there is a bike out there specifically designed for your needs.

3.Got skills? The sheer desire to get out there and ride can be a powerful urge. However, it is best not to let the desire take over and put you in a position of buying too much bike. If you can ride a bike, but are not used to all the gears, shifting options and gizmos that come with a performance bike, you may be discouraged and lose your enthusiasm. Being a casual cyclist is not a bad thing. You don't have to be Lance Armstrong to enjoy a good ride. Take a genuine assessment of your skill level before making your decision.

4.Do your homework. Assuage all thoughts of intimidation and fear through research. The best negotiating tactic is knowledge. It will ensure you know enough about your bicycle of choice to get a good price and give you the self confidence to ask for what you want. The internet has really been instrumental in educating consumers on future purchases and has subsequently changed the retail landscape.

5.Play 20 questions. I have found that many people are scared to look stupid or are too shy to ask a lot of questions in a face to face setting. They tend to feel intimidated and end up buying something they don't want or need. With the internet so readily available, it offers those people the opportunity to ask many questions anonymously. Find a blog or internet bike shop and send an email. Not only will you get answers to your questions, you can use the email as a reference while researching products.

6.Know Thyself. Safety should be your most important factor when choosing a bicycle. All too often, well meaning beginners will embellish important factors like fitness ability, height and weight. Be sure to be honest with yourself; your safety will depend on it.

7.Bum a Ride. Check out the rides of your friends and family. Especially if you are going to use your bike for the same purposes as they are. Nothing is better than a referral from a friend or a good test drive. Even if you don't want the same bike, actually going for a ride will give you an idea of what you want from a bike.

8.Go to your local bike shop. With the technological innovations altering how we make everyday purchases (i.e. the internet), there is still something to be said for handling a product before you buy. I know that the internet usually offers much better pricing; but testing out a bike first is a great idea. Bike stores can give you a feel that you can never get from research on the internet. You can always go back and buy online to save some cash.

9.Birds of a Feather flock together. If going to a bike shop is too inconvenient or bike sales people are too overzealous for you, borrow a bike from friend. More than likely, your friends share similar interests and fitness level. Even if you a friends with a bike enthusiast, he or she will still be able to offer some advice on brands and characteristics to suit your needs.

10.Above all, go with your gut. Research, advice from friends and the blogosphere are all terrific tools to help you. However, nothing can compete with trusting your instincts. Nothing is more frustrating than making a purchase that goes against your gut and regretting your decision. Find your bike and go for a ride.

Buying a bicycle does not have to be a stressful experience. In fact, one should be excited to get out there and ride. Taking a cruise on a new bike on a beautiful spring day can do wonders for your physical and emotional fitness. Take these tips and find your ride.
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