Tuning Your Own Mountain Bike
2016/7/25 11:44:40
If you have purchased a mountain bike, the most important thing for you is the know how to tune up parts of your own mountain bike. Most important parts to tune up of your mountain bike are discussed here. The majority of tuning up is done simply, but you have to keep your eye on it.
First of all, we have to start with bike's chain. If the chain is not properly functioning then grease it. If the chain needs simple adjustment then strongly pull the chain and count 20 links. Then, measure the chain from pin to pin and look for a maximum up to 10 inches. If it is exceeding 10 inches then it is better to replace it with a new one.
If the chain in length is fine, all you have to do is simply clean it and keep it like new. Citrus solvent and an old toothbrush can be used to clean the chain. Dip the chain in liquid and scrub it until it's clean. Now tune up the chain rings and check out the bent teeth. If there are some bent teethes then use the adjustable wrench to fix these teeth.
If the mountain bike parts you are looking to get into shape are the wheels and the brakes, there are some other things that you might need to do. Check out the wheel and breaks, simply applying from brakes while moving the bike forward and backward. When bike is moving upward and backward the play should not be occurred. If there is play then may be you need to tight the headset after loosing the bolts.
Hub checking should be quite simple. All you have to do is that push the wheel hard enough to make it spin roundabout two or three times. As long as wheel spins frequently, you are in good shape. Take a careful notice of wheel spins there should not be lateral movement during the wheel spins.
If you are communicating in general terms that how to keep your mountain bike tuned up, you should must start from the front of bike and tighten any of the loose bolts. Due to lot of riding bolts become loose by passing the time. Also pay attention to other places like bottle cage and the chain ring bolts.
Don't avoid importance of lubrication. Give a light coat of grease to your bike's saddle rails. When you do this, it is better to clean all dust before lubrication the front suspension fork sliders.
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