The Most Essential Is Strength Training
2016/7/25 11:44:19
Timing of the strength training program in conjugation with the base phase is the top priority of the Systematic Training. Indoor training during off-season has to be well managed to supplement the outdoor endurance riding.
A cyclist takes to base training program for increasing his endurance. Now is the time for him to combine strength training exercises to supplement his base phase. Even before he proceeds to strength training schedule, he needs a solid foundation in this sphere by practicing ground exercises like warm ups, stretching and light weight training during off-season.
Due to these exercises, the body gets heated up. Intake of oxygen by the lungs is enhanced. The heart rate increases, supplying more blood to the muscles in the body. Lactic threshold increases in the participant. The core strength of the body increases enormously. Excess fats get burnt and there is weight loss in the upper body.
The cyclist can increase strength in his leg muscles by performing leg extension exercises with gradual increments. This prevents over working of his body and other setbacks. His quadriceps is developed. Leg press is also a good exercise to get the above effect. He can do weighted calf raises as a part of strength training to improve his calf muscles. He is advised to practice on a cable abductor machine to improve strength of his hips. This is a good supplemental exercise for his base training.
Working on a hamstring curl machine improves strength in his arms and shoulders supporting his control over the bicycle handle bar. Performing lunges on the ground makes his thighs tough. He must concentrate on improving his form and technique in cycling. During the snow fall and in the absence of his base training outdoors, he should do increased indoor strength training. A balance has to be arrived between the exertions due to these two training schedules during the cycling season.
The benefits that have been accrued during off season by strength training can be maintained while continuing the base phase program. The frequency of strength training can be increased to match the base phase. After every fourth week of base phase period, 3 sessions of strength training is to be adhered to match the reduced endurance cycling. This supplemental training has to be followed by sufficient recovery time to reap good benefits.
It is very much appropriate to combine strength training with endurance riding in a day and reserve the next day for recovery. The secret lies in increasing the hard work gradually and relaxing effectively on the rest day. The cyclist cannot afford to show lethargy by converting strength training time into a rest period.
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