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Bicycle Clothing: What Cycling Gear to Wear and When

2016/7/25 11:44:07

Those who ride bikes a lot know that you can choose from a big choice of cycling gear out there. Knowing what to get for yourself means that you have to think of a few questions first:

What does the law tell me I need? What is the most comfortable for me to wear? Does it depend on whether it is summer or winter?

You should get a lot of help from store clerks at cycling stores. They know a lot about cycling clothing and can help you decide exactly what you need.

What gear is required by Law? Nearly every government has a regulation or law requiring helmets for cyclist. Some states require them for all riders while others set an age requirement. A good, well-fit helmet could save your life. Whether mountain biking or street cycling, a helmet is a must have for anyone riding a bike.

Though not specifically required by law, many state cycling groups recommend wearing reflective clothing when biking as well. This is another safety benefit, ensuring you are able to be seen by cars and pedestrians.

What is the most comfortable gear out there for me? There is a lot of clothing to choose from depending on the weather conditions and on the length of your ride. If you are on a long ride, consider padded bicycle shorts that can help your butt handle the seat for long periods of time.

Quality cycling shorts are made of special material made specifically for comfort and moisture control. They usually have a padded seat for extra protection and comfort for extensive riding. Choosing a sleeveless cycling jersey to help keep you cool on long-rides is also recommended.

Mountain bikers who ride through brush and trees should look for a long-sleeve cycling jersey to protect their arms from abrasions. Cycling shirts or jerseys worth their salt will be made of synthetic fabric that is comfortable, lightweight and moisture resistant. This will ensure that, whether long or short-sleeved, the jersey will help a rider maintain a good temperature.

What equipment is best for the summer/winter conditions? Avid bikers hit the road during all kinds of weather, especially if the bike is their primary form of transportation. For cold days, a cycling jacket or a wool cycling jersey will keep you warm against the cooler air while still keeping you dry by sweeping the sweat away from your skin.

Windproof jackets are also available for wind and rain protection. Coupled with cycling pants or knee warmers, which keep your knees and legs warm and flexible, these items will help you have a pleasant ride, even when the weather is less than ideal.

When the weather warms up, you should switch to sleeved or sleeveless cycling jerseys along with bib shorts or sturdy cycling shorts. You may also choose to have a compact jacket stored in your gear to be taken out on cold morning rides or cool evening rides.

There are a number of jackets available that can be easily stowed when the temperature rises. Cycling jacket made of breathable material that incorporates ventilation, like mesh vents, in the fabric are ideal.

Not all bicycle clothing choices are necessary but some are just fun to wear because youre a cyclist and want to look good. Some cyclists operate on a less is more area while others want to be prepared for every occasion or change in weather. The idea is that if you like cycling, check out the bicycle gear available to you and select those items that you think will increase your ability to ride and will maximize your safety on the ride ahead.
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