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Take Along Enough Fresh Water On Your Next Bicycle Tour Or Long Ride.

2016/7/25 11:43:48

Are you scheduling a long bicycle ride this weekend along back country roads? Don't neglect your water needs to keep your body strong and safe. The most important piece of equipment you take along will be water. Remember, eighty five percent of a person's body is water.

The caloric consumption of a 50 to 60 mile bicycle ride can burn up to 4000 calories or more depending on your conditioning and the state of the environment in which you are cruising. You will burn many more calories on a hot day then biking on a mild day. You will also use less energy riding on flat ground than climbing hills and mountains. For any kind of bicycling you will need an ample supply of water.

Most experts recommend a minimum of 2 quart size water bottles for an easy 60 mile trip. This is just a bare minimum amount and you should add 1 or 2 more bicycle water bottles if you are going for a longer trek. If riding for a longer stretch, you might want to consider using a back pack water system. Longer distance, solo endurance bicycle riders often depend on carrying several, one quart sports water bottles attached to their bicycle frame and wearing a back pack water system.

Back pack water storage systems come in different sizes to accommodate larger amounts of liquid. You can find 60, 72 and 100 liter packs. The 100 liter system needs extra support to stabilize the weight of the water. The better back packs come with a waist strap to help with this problem. You will never regret bringing extra water on your next bike trip. But, how much is enough water?

You probably are entering a mild state of dehydration if you are thirsty or experiencing cotton mouth. Determining the color of urine is an indicator of your water saturation point. Do you have clear urine? This generally means you are fine with your liquids. There is a good chance you need more water if it is dark or becomes cloudy.

After as soon as ten minutes of dehydration, the body can develop muscle cramping. General fatigue and irrational fear can follow the onset of this cramping. This condition can develop into diminished strength and loss of complex motor skills if left untended.

The next time you are packing for your back road trek with your friends, plot your course, pack your kit and don't forget to carry along lot of clean, fresh water in your own bicycle water bottle.
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