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Bike Frames

2016/7/25 11:43:10

A number of geometrics are followed by manufacturers while making bikes. One of the most important things is the bike frame that has to fit well. Some of the bike manufacturers follow innovations but it is not always possible to mess around with the frame design of the bike. There are a lot of different frames for bicycles. Besides the color of the bike, the frame, tube lengths, angles and the overall frame geometry are equally important features.

Basic geometry: As far as the basic geometry of the frame is concerned, you cannot mess around with it too much. The geometrical aspects include, the distance between the front wheel and the bracket, length of the chain stays and the distance between the bottom bracket axle and the back wheel axle.

For all bike designs, these basics remain the same and any change affects bike handling. Bikes will not be able to descend or corner safely without specifics. For a normal road bike with 700c wheels, the total wheel base should be around 100 cm which can vary anywhere between 98 cm to 104 cm. This depends on the overall size of the frame. The length can be changed but with a shorter frame.

Frame Angles: The seat angle depends on the size of the frame. If the frame is smaller, the angle of the seat tube too will be steeper. Smaller riders have to sit further on to get over the pedal and hence smaller frames are specifically made. Their thighs are shorter as compared to taller riders, who need a more laid back angle. Most importantly the knee has to be over the pedal otherwise the rider is not able to get correct leverage. This is the main point that keeps the seat angle regulated.

You will be able to ride comfortably with a more relaxed angle. On a smaller frame, the angle of the head has to be more laid back so that the wheel base is near to the correct length. Check out the geometry of the bike frame while buying a new one. Things have become simpler now with the availability of compact frames in five sizes. Frames differ in size to the last centimeter and half inch. It is important to research a bit and then invest in these components. The internet is a storehouse of information on this and you should tap potential for a good bargain.
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