Ride Your Bike To Work This Month
2016/7/25 11:43:07
Are you ready for Bike to Work Month? Lock your car in the garage, leave the metro ticket at home, and hop on your bike - all month!
I urge you to join others throughout the United States who have decided to ride their bicycles to work this month. And once this month is over - I hope you will make the decision to keep cycling.
Yes, it's a tough choice. Your car is comfortable. Your car gets you to work faster. Your car protects you from wind and rain. But there are many reasons to get out of that car onto two wheels.
If you bike to work for only one month, you can:
1) Burn 18,800 calories
2) Save $88.00 in gas money
3) Attain a C02 reduction of 384 pounds
4) Brag to your friends about points 1-3
But really - does any of that really matter? Here's the real reason to drag that bike out from behind all that crap in the garage, dust it off, pump up the tires, and take off:
Biking is more fun
Give yourself permission to be a kid again. Enjoy the freedom and sensations of wind blowing through your hair. Splash through rain puddles. How bad can the day be if you can splash in rain puddles?
Wait - I can hear it now... Your list of excuses is coming... What about your clothes - you can't work in your biking clothes? What about storing the bike? What will people say??
All that is nothing more than excuses, excuses, and more excuses. If you truly want to ride your bike, you'll figure out a way. You'll leave a week's worth of clothes at work or haul each day's in a pannier. You'll talk with the security guard to find some rarely used closet to stash the bike. It's all about getting creative, but if you want it to work, you can make it work.
Bike to work this month. I challenge you to ride your bike every single day.
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