How To Install A Bike Trailer
2016/7/25 11:42:07
The creation of a bike trailer is a great benefit to any parent who enjoys going for a nice bike ride. With a bike trailer, it's now possible for parents and small children to get out there and enjoy the ride together. Most trailers can easily be assembled by attaching a metal tow bar. This guide will discuss how to install a bike trailer, which is quite simple.
The first step is to loosen the rear wheel axle nut, which can be done by either releasing the quick release skewer or by manually doing it with a wrench. The release skewer is usually on the right side of the bike while the nut is positioned on the left side.
Most trailers will include a plastic tab washer. Proceed by placing the plastic tab washer over the left axle with the trailer attached. This will simply fit right over the frame of the bike and should be flush on.
The next step includes the coupler plates that are provided. Place the coupler plates with the tabs on the back side of the plates fitting directly into the holes on the tab washer. Once you've placed the coupler plate in the right position, the big hole will sit just under the axle.
Continue by replacing the nut which is on the end of the axle. The release skewer can tighten the nut, or you can use your hands to position the nut. Once it's on, secure the nut with a wrench. If you use the skewer, make sure to close and lock the lever.
At this point, you can proceed by placing the trailer into the large hole which is on the coupler plate. Take the safety pin and secure the tow bar, by placing it through the eyelet in coupler plate. Always make sure it's secure before riding.
Take the safety strap which is found on the tow bar and loop it around the tube of the frame. It should be positioned vertically from the axle. The end of the safety strap should then clip onto the D-ring which can be found on the two-bar.
This may sound difficult, but it's a quick process. Once it's installed, make sure everything is safe and locked into place. Then get out there and enjoy the ride with your child!
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