Meet The Montague Paratrooper Mountain Bike
2016/7/25 11:42:05
Designed for military engagement, the Montague Paratrooper mountain bike can handle any terrain that is thrown at it and, with 24 speeds, can do all this at break neck speeds. Designed to operate in near silence, and at the highest performance, it is rugged and tough for any condition.
All this, and it has the ability to be folded down to fit into a 3' x 3' pack in just thirty seconds. Able to do this without the need for any toolmanship, the Montague Paratrooper can be taken anywhere. More than this, it can survive being thrown into any situation too.
Airborne units: It is here that the Montague Paratrooper really comes into its own. Simply attach it to a static line and launch. Able to support ground mobility airborne units anywhere, it allows quick and effective transportation upon hitting the ground.
It goes further than this however, equally supporting recon missions with its natural stealth. Able to be secured to fast moving automated vehicles, it can be delivered to accessible areas quickly and provide excellent backup when needed. Able to be used to get closer to monitored sites, with no heat sig, it is ideal.
Additionally, it is ideal for the movement of foot soldiers. Able to carry greater loads than a man on his own too, transportation across terrain is quicker that foot power alone. It also presents troops the opportunity to be given a morale boost, not just in the speed of movement, but the form too.
Whilst clearly designed for military use, the Montague Paratrooper is also more than adequate for civilian use too. As a recreational bike, it is amongst the best available; able to go anywhere and do anything whenever asked of it. However, if it just needs to be used for the commute to work, or a gentle ride round the park, then its practicality abounds here too.
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