Early Sense of Balance Pays Off Late in Life
2016/7/25 11:41:06
Many seniors greatest fear is injuring themselves in a fall. As we get older, our ability to balance weakens and we become vulnerable to injury from falling.
Fortunately doctors have found that balance, which appears to come naturally, is a learned skill. With training a good sense of balance will return and like many skills it returns more quickly where it was well developed in the first place.
In a recent study conducted by the Center for Disease Control 5.8 million adults over 65 were found to have fallen within the previous 3 months. Falls are the leading cause of injury for the over 65's and the leading cause of injury deaths. The good news about all this is that it can be prevented. Balance is a skill which can be learned, but the best defense against a loss of balance is the thorough acquisition of that skill at an early age.
The sense of balance is also known as equilibrioception. It's the sense we use to stop ourselves falling over, especially when we're walking. To achieve balance many of our bodies systems have to work together, especially the eyes, which tell us where we are, and the ears, which by sensing acceleration, tell us how we're moving. Add to these the body's sense of where it is in space and the result is balance.
Most of us get some sort of sense of balance simply by doing; by walking around. But since balance degrades with age, having a great sense of balance to start with can make a huge difference to later quality of life. So how can we improve our child's sense of balance? One way to do this is through balance training and as always this is most successful if approached as play.
A balance bike is the perfect balance training tool since it encourages children to play and leads them gently to balance at their own pace. Balance bikes are different from normal bicycles as they have no pedals or chain. They should be just the right size for a child to use so they can sit on the seat with their feet in the ground. At first they walk the bicycle the to sit and push along with their feet, then finally to take their feet from the ground a cruise along, completely balanced on the two wheels. Very little actual 'teaching' is involved, children (even very young children) often get the idea within a few hours of use.
Riding a bike is not only great training in balance, it's also good exercise, so balance bikes can enhance your child's life at every stage. They are a fun toy in childhood and teach balance. In adulthood bike riding and other activities which require balance are safer. As your child approaches retirement, a good sense of balance will help him or her enjoy their well earned leisure and increase their quality of life
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