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Frances Pro Tour: Take a Bike Tour This July to See The Race Live and In Person

2016/7/25 11:40:55

If getting the chance to cheer on pro cyclists as they race up the famous mountains in France has always been a dream of yours, you may have the chance to fulfill that dream this summer on a bike tour to France. In Situ Travel is one a several bike tour operators that runs trips to Europe, including one this July to see France's Pro Tour. "We're pleased to offer what we feel is one of the best alternatives for fans to watch the race unfold in the Alps.", says In Situ's founder, Jace Gifford.

In Situ keeps it's groups small and as Gifford points out, that is what makes them stand out from their competition. "Our trip in July is limited to only 14 guests. We don't try to pack in as many guests as possible, like many of the competitors." Since so many bike tour operators take as many at 40+ guests on their trips to see the race in July, he makes a good point. One of the founding principles of In Situ is that the groups remain small, thus giving a more personalized, local experience.

There are also no van transfers during the week, unlike other bike tour operators. For the entire duration of the trip, the group stays at one hotel, right on the race route. This means more time on the bike and less time shuttling from hotel to hotel in the van. This is a real benefit for this type of tour. One can imagine the thousands of spectators that flock to the region to get a glimpse of this famous race, so not having to get into a vehicle each day is a plus.

Gifford also notes, "We've also taken great care in choosing where our trips stay. Not only are we along the race route, but we are in easy riding distance to many of the epic alpine climbs: the Col du Glandon, the Col du Telegraphe, Alpe d'Huez, the Col d'Izoard, les Deux Alpes and more." If your goal is to ride many of these famous routes, this itinerary might be for you.

But why should race fans choose this trip over others to France in July? When posed this question Gifford replies simply, "We feel that we offer the best value for our guests, in a smaller more personal environment to that of our competitors." Undoubtedly, choosing the right bike tour operator for your next trip can be challenging and now there is one more company to choose from. Perhaps In Situ Travel's approach fills a unique niche in the market and perhaps not. But one thing is for certain, guests have greater choices to see the grand tours than ever before.
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