Choose the best BMX bike for your needs
2016/7/25 11:40:05
BMX bikes were first invented in the United States in the 1970s but this unique style of bike riding and racing is still going strong today - in fact, it's growing in popularity. The bikes were originally created as a way for American youths to copy the daring motocross racing that was hugely popular at the time (and still is today!) without having to buy an off road motorbike for themselves.
These bikes are built to be strong yet lightweight and use 20 inch wheels that are often smaller than those found on road and mountain bikes. The frames are incredibly sturdy and are made with aluminium or steel, depending on what kind of BMX bike you decide to go for.
There are two types of BMXing - BMX racing and BMX freestyle. Both categories have different bikes that are made to withstand the various stressors of each sport, so it's very important that you buy the right kind of BMX bike when you're looking.
If you're planning on taking part in BMX racing you'll need a bike that can put up with the intense speeds you're likely to get up to, as well as the surfaces you'll race on. The tracks are often sandy and hilly and you'll need a bike that can quickly reach high speeds to help you in winning the race. This is why aluminium is used for most BMX racing bikes, as this metal is lighter and sturdier, as well as allowing your bike to be more responsive to your riding.
BMX freestyle is a completely different sport when compared to BMX racing - in it you'll be performing daring stunts and tricks by using ramps, obstacles and the ground and you can play competitively or as a hobby at your local skate park. If you're just starting out in BMX freestyle you will probably want to go for a bike made from high tensile steel, as these are usually cheaper. Once you're more experienced you might want to switch to a chromoly steel bike, which are faster and ultra-responsive.
Your BMX freestyle bike will also come with rising handlebars to help with handling, stunt pegs that are required when performing certain tricks and rotors to allow you to turn your bike's handlebars 360 degrees without tangling the brake cables.
When you're buying a BMX bike you should first decide which sport you'd like to take part in, as a BMX bike is best used for one discipline. To find out more, look online now.
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