Cyclists Know Embrocation Cream Is A Useful Salve
2016/7/25 11:39:55
Most of us have never heard of embrocation cream. Let's face it, it sounds a bit mystical. Uncovering its secrets is easy, though. Just ask a cycling enthusiast, because they have the keys to using this unusual product. It is really a matter of learning when and how to use it.
The truth is that this is a product used to keep muscles warm in all sorts of inclement weather. It generally has ingredients that help to produce warmth on the surface of the skin, which radiates into the body. It is said that it may help to get you through a long, cold ride.
Competitive cyclists generally use this cream to add extra warmth on race days. A thin coat, rubbed in well, will help to keep muscles warm and working longer. It can be an integral part of a competition, but it is not reserved only for that.
The idea of rubbing lotions carefully into the skin in order to create well-being is not a new idea. People have been using lotions made from natural substances since ancient times. In those days, they often believed that healing spirits were infused into the body as the application was done. Athletes today will follow a kind of meditative order when they apply the substance.
Protecting the muscles from cold allows competitors time to think about the activities ahead. The rubbing action shares the name of the substances used. This verb and noun relationship can be part of the mystique of its use.
As most experienced racers know, embrocation cream works very well on arms, necks and even backs that are facing cold, harsh weather. Some may add extra on the parts they know may give them trouble. The best products generally smell as good as they feel. If you are a fierce cyclist, or an athlete for life, discovering these secrets for yourself may be a good thing.
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