Cyclists Common Mistakes That Lead To Bicycle Accidents
2016/7/25 11:39:18
Cycling is an activity that is becoming more and more popular among individuals everywhere. People are riding their bikes as their main mode of transportation, as a means of exercise, in competitive form, and even just for pure enjoyment. All of these different reasons to ride are fantastic. Many individuals love to ride to get out and burn off some steam, and others find that it is a great way to improve their relationships with others. Having riding partners can be a very fun way to enjoy the sport. Unfortunately, individuals on a bicycle can be somewhat vulnerable to the elements around them. Many people don't take proper precautions to ride as safely as they should, and because of this mistake they end up in a bicycle accident. Bicycle accidents can be very dangerous, and in some cases even deadly. The following information explains some of the common mistakes that riders make that can lead to bicycle accidents. With the knowledge of what could possibly happen, individuals are more aware of how to be safe when they hit the road.
1. Improper attire. Individuals don't realize how beneficial proper clothing can be when they are riding. Because cyclists can be somewhat hard to see when it is darker outside, individuals who dress in bright colors are going to be much safer. Those who dress in dark colors will be more likely to blend into the dark sky. Individuals should try to wear cycling clothing that allows them to be seen. It is smart for individuals to dress appropriately for the weather. It is also important for riders to be certain to wear helmets, keeping them safe if an accident were to occur.
2. Lack of safety reflectors and proper lighting. Many riders feel as if everyone can see them, when in fact this is not the case. Reflectors are extremely beneficial in making sure that they are seen. Reflectors can catch they eye of drivers, other cyclists, and even pedestrians. Permanent reflectors can and should be placed on bikes. Individuals can also wear reflective bands on their arms and legs, allowing for increased visibility. Many helmets will come with reflectors as well. Cyclists can also attach special lights to their bikes that will help them to avoid danger by giving the rider a better ability to see, as well as helping others to see them.
3. Loss of attention. Once of the biggest reasons individuals will get into bicycle accidents is because they fail to pay attention like they should. Many individuals prefer to ride to music, and so they will use an mp3 player with headphones in their ears. This makes it so riders can't hear external noises that may be of warning to them. For those riders who choose to ride with music need to be certain that they are fully alert and attentive. It is very smart for riders to do all that they can to make eye contact with the drivers, pedestrians and other riders around them.
4. Riding on unsafe paths. Riders who choose to venture on to busy streets without a bicycle lane, or paths that are not made for cyclists to ride on are venturing into dangerous territory. Cyclists should do all that they can to choose paths that are bicycle friendly. If possible, greenways should be taken. If not possible, riders should ride on the appropriate side of the street, and refrain from darting in front of traffic.
5. Disobeying traffic regulations. When cyclists do all that they can to obey traffic laws, they will be far more likely to stay safe. Using proper signals, obeying traffic lights, responding to signs and using crosswalks are all helpful to keeping individuals safe while riding.
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