Fundamentals for a trainee in Cycling Training
2016/7/25 11:39:00
The primary focus in a cycling training program is to have a well charted out plan since it has been found through research that the much cherished accomplishment of getting upgraded to the next level is feasible only when one has a plan ready and the execution of the same is carried out in a seamless way. But there should be flexibility in a particular plan's execution on some days. There will be days and sessions on which any particular plan for rigorous training may not be acceptable to the bodily system. It should then be postponed for the next day.
Rigorous training should come with certain occasions or stints of having it easy. Tremendous acceleration must be interspersed with brief or a bit prolonged instances of having an easy ride. This actually improves the performance. The trainee should also be true to himself. He can deceive everyone else but not the self. The trainee should never be just a follower of his peers in the schedule. It is he, who should decide when to apply the brakes in a session and not just follow the herd. Otherwise the basic purpose of up gradation of self in the trade - is defeated.
A catch word in cycling training is to compel self for doing what he sort of hates the most. For instance, there would be occasions when the trainee needs to climb a steep incline by cycling in the schedule - something which he really wants to bypass normally. But the true test lies where he inculcates the discipline within himself to just do that climbing against his will. This is the hallmark of great training and loyalty to the trainer. This is for getting toned to do all the relevant things -- even if that appears to be hard for the trainee.
There are certain training workouts like rides as for example the cadence added to exercises like log mile, intervals, etc. - Which has all been designed to challenge the physical ability of the trainee. The candidate should be ever prepared for all these successes and even more. These prove to be the catalysts for sharpening the cycling tips and enhancing the inbuilt endurance capability of the incumbent. The trainee learns to be a fighter and would be in a position to overcome obstacles in the long run. Thus, every stipulated exercise and training discipline is to be gone through without grudge.
The gymnasium should be a place of worship for the trainee concerned and he should hit the gyms at least twice a week. Among all the drills -- he should never forget to stretch - while being in pursuit for cycling training, to avert aching of the backs. The brain should be conducive for thinking positive all the way. One should mind to take proper food and nutrition as well. Last but not the least the trainee should permanently love the Velodrome - the road. He should regard cycling as something he is fond of to do-not as some work under pressure.
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