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Bicycles - Riding on the Sidewalks

2016/7/25 11:08:29

Bicycles can be ridden just about everywhere outdoors, including the sidewalks, but before you try this, you must understand a few things. Sidewalk bicycle riding is different from riding on the streets because it is narrower and people walk there as well. Besides the people, there is also a risk of a car's driver not seeing you from the street; however, sidewalk bicycle safely varies depending on where you live.

Small suburb areas are the best places to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk for two reasons, fewer pedestrians and less traffic. A city's sidewalks stay packed with people, particularly during the weekends, so it will be tough to ride there. A sidewalk in the suburbs however will not have many people walking, so you will be free to ride without dodging as much. If you decide to ride on a sidewalk in the city or the suburbs, there may be times when you have to pass people, so you must know how to ride safely to reduce injuries. To ride safely on city sidewalks, you must maintain a slow speed so you can go around anyone you meet without falling. If the sidewalk is crowded, it is best to use the streets, unless you want to walk your bike around the crowd. In the suburbs, you can ride at a reasonable speed and if you see someone walking, you will still have a chance to slow down to dodge him or her.

The sidewalk is a great place for kids to ride their bikes in the suburbs because they would not have to worry about cars as much. Children should only ride on a sidewalk that you are familiar with; they should learn to stop and look both ways before crossing to another sidewalk. Children must also learn to respect anyone that walks there and they must slow down for them. Some kids may like to ride their bikes fast on sidewalks; they must know that elderly people sometimes use the sidewalks to stay out of the streets. Unlike younger people, an older person will not react quickly enough to dodge a fast moving bike. Kids must watch out for them and other things such as dogs, squirrels, or a broken bottle that causes a tire to go flat. Kids must also avoid sidewalks that have a ditch on one side and a fence on the other. If someone is walking on the sidewalk and the child's bike is moving fast, the only way to dodge that person is to drive into the ditch. The best kind of sidewalk to ride on is the type with a bit of grass between the sidewalk and the street.

If you ride your bike on the sidewalk in the city, you must make yourself be seen because most drivers' eyes stay on the street not the sidewalk. You should always ride on the sideway during the day, particularly in the city to remain safe. If you have to cross the street to get into another sidewalk, be sure that you watch out for cars and let them see you.

Sidewalks are generally intended for people to walk on, however if you decide to ride your bike there, be safe and respect the pedestrians.
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