Want to increase wattage and cadence? Do these moves twice a week using the heaviest weight you can lift for three sets of 10 reps without losing form.
More: How Cyclists Should Approach Strength Training
Every three to four weeks, increase weight and decrease reps until you're using a weight you can lift for three sets of four to six reps. For a total-body workout, mix in one of these Quick Cyclist Workouts for Power and Endurance.
Stand tall holding a barbell across your shoulders. Bend your knees and hips until your thighs are at a 45-degree angle. Return to start. (More: Try these 4 combo moves to learn how to transform your strength training into speed)
More: 5 Training Ideas to Increase Bike Power
Loop the harness of a cable-pulley machine around your left ankle and pull it taut. Contract your abs, flex your foot, and drive your knee to hip level. Return to start. Do one set, then switch sides.
More: 3 Leg-Strengthening Exercises for Cyclists
Stand in a Smith machine, bar across your shoulders, balls of your feet atop two weight plates or a step, heels off the edge. Keep your legs straight and rise onto the balls of your feet. Return to start. (Work your entire body with moves that'll give you Your Best Cycling Body Ever.)
More: Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix It
Place your right foot off center on a leg-press platform, bend your right knee, and lower until your leg is 90 degrees. Push back to start. Do one set, then switch sides.
More: 5 Simple Ways to Increase Power on the Bike
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